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Aug 23, 2008
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St. Louis, MO
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I am video and filmmaker as well as something of a bike guy, and am looking into creating a sort of reality show set in a bike shop. Think Orange County Choppers only the bikes don't have engines. It would be about the shop and the employees, the customers, mountain biking, road biking, racing and even touch on the fixies, vintage and rat rod bikes.

Is this something that sounds interesting, that you might watch? What about if it was a web based series? Know of anything already out there that is like this?

Any feedback would be appreciated.

Can I be the Paul Sr. character who yells at everyone and breaks stuff?

seriously, I might watch it. There are very very few reality shows that I like though. OCC used to be one.
I think you should strike while the iron is hot and America is really into the whole Green thing. Bikes seem to be more popular now than they have been as long as I've been riding.
Pilot episode, scene 1-MarkM is screaming at Icyuod2 for putting a Chinese engine on a $4,000.oo '63 Stingray, while in the background, Bicycleguy is quietly snatching chains off cruiser bikes. Galtbacken is doing the same with wheel sets from road bikes. Thatsmytruck comes in and throws the Stingray through the plate glass store front as RatRod is riding by, PPSSSHHH, 2 flat tires! Scene changes to back door, Bicycleguy and Galtbacken are coming out with shopping carts full of chains and wheels, while Gold Street Customs is tossing rusty old bikes out of the dumpster. When he puts his head in the dumpster, Jaydub and Mastronaut pick out a couple of good ones, toss them into a Chevy Apache and take off in a cloud of oil and melting tires.-Roll title and break for commercial. :!:
I went to a leadership school when I was in the Air Force, it was called the NCO Academy. I suggested they incorporate OCC in their curriculum (they thought I was kidding) because it covered all the aspects they were teaching us there. It would have been great to break down their episodes and spend a half day going over the parameters of their operation, showing why and how it was successful.

The same thing could be done as OCC only building ratrod bikes. You would have to show the planning, procurement and coordination involved with getting a project going, then show the hassles the boss goes though motivating and keeping the workers on the job. Then throw in the setbacks, like parts wrong or missing, or workers goofing off. They would have to work as a team to get the job done right, and done on time. Different personalities would have to be in the equation and we would follow them week to week, liking some, and hating some of them.

Which network? I'll watch.
deorman said:
Pilot episode, scene 1-MarkM is screaming at Icyuod2 for putting a Chinese engine on a $4,000.oo '63 Stingray, while in the background, Bicycleguy is quietly snatching chains off cruiser bikes. Galtbacken is doing the same with wheel sets from road bikes. Thatsmytruck comes in and throws the Stingray through the plate glass store front as RatRod is riding by, PPSSSHHH, 2 flat tires! Scene changes to back door, Bicycleguy and Galtbacken are coming out with shopping carts full of chains and wheels, while Gold Street Customs is tossing rusty old bikes out of the dumpster. When he puts his head in the dumpster, Jaydub and Mastronaut pick out a couple of good ones, toss them into a Chevy Apache and take off in a cloud of oil and melting tires.-Roll title and break for commercial. :!:

OK, I don't care who you are that's funny right there. :D
This would make a great intro also.
Production costs could be kept to a minimum by touring a different garage/shop each 30 min.timeslot. One interviewer, one camera guy, a sound guy and your golden.Have some sort of preliminary photo shots of the entrants shop and bikes determine who gets on the show. A lot of guys(gals) would fix their shops up if they knew they were gonna' be on TV.
There has to be a cable/sat channel that can handle this kind of low volume business.
Online would be OK too, but I'd love to pick up my remote and turn on "Ratty TV", Tuesday nite at 8:00.
some producers actually tried to get something like that together at college cyclery. trouble was they said after watching the test footage that i was too boring and not loud enough i needed to yell more. however what about some sort of build off show? sorta like what they were doing a few years ago on discovery? that might be cool and could feature different styles of bikes not just rats. say full customs, maybe even fixies?
JoKeR63 said:
deorman said:
Pilot episode, scene 1-MarkM is screaming at Icyuod2 for putting a Chinese engine on a $4,000.oo '63 Stingray, while in the background, Bicycleguy is quietly snatching chains off cruiser bikes. Galtbacken is doing the same with wheel sets from road bikes. Thatsmytruck comes in and throws the Stingray through the plate glass store front as RatRod is riding by, PPSSSHHH, 2 flat tires! Scene changes to back door, Bicycleguy and Galtbacken are coming out with shopping carts full of chains and wheels, while Gold Street Customs is tossing rusty old bikes out of the dumpster. When he puts his head in the dumpster, Jaydub and Mastronaut pick out a couple of good ones, toss them into a Chevy Apache and take off in a cloud of oil and melting tires.-Roll title and break for commercial. :!:

OK, I don't care who you are that's funny right there. :D
This would make a great intro also.
Production costs could be kept to a minimum by touring a different garage/shop each 30 min.timeslot. One interviewer, one camera guy, a sound guy and your golden.Have some sort of preliminary photo shots of the entrants shop and bikes determine who gets on the show. A lot of guys(gals) would fix their shops up if they knew they were gonna' be on TV.
There has to be a cable/sat channel that can handle this kind of low volume business.
Online would be OK too, but I'd love to pick up my remote and turn on "Ratty TV", Tuesday nite at 8:00.

I'm glad I made the first episode! SWEET! :mrgreen:
great idea in theory, but in real life it'll just suck.
the only place a show like this would be really true would be on PBS.

think of the past shows....american chopper. besides the ideas of their bikes and the workmanship(complete garbage) that show is more about yelling and complaining.

american hot rod....they build some cool stuff, but the focus was on boyd coddington(RIP) yelling at his employees.

monster garage...the concept of the show was OK. but all they ever focused on was drama and the crew clowning around.
by the by, the best episode of that ever was the '53 chevy build. no drama. just a build by serious builders.

there have been other build/build off shows..... all are the same.

my piont is that networks want the shows to have appeal to a broad audience and drama clowning around is what attracts viewers that usually arent into cars/motorcycles/bicycles/what have you.

the true fans want to see serious biulding by serious builders . that dosnt equal ratings.
While sitting around dreaming about all the possibilities for this forum I've had the same thought for a show.

Not necessarily in a bike shop setting though...more of traveling around the world shooting segments on different custom bike builders.

is what I had intended to call it. :lol:
I can't stand tv dramas that lure you in with hot rods and choppers and then spend 80% of the episode focusing on grown men bickering over something stupid. How about a reality show where joe/jane public gets to race against a pro cyclist on a velodrome. The catch being that the pro cyclist is riding a 50's heavyweight and joe/jane public is on a 15lb carbon fiber road bike. Its about the rider and not the bike right? If that's not enough content there's always other ways to mix things up a bit. How about klunker hillclimbs, freakbike races and a "build a working cycle out of this pile of assorted garbage and complete x laps around a track combining dirt and pavement with obstacles thrown in". Potential guest judges include Chopper Olli and Jesse James.
although i think your pilot episode would be funny as hell, i'm sooo tired of the "dramatic pause" and "reality t.v."
you'd be better off racing bicycles for pink slips. lol
ya need to come up with a novel idea,the next big craze! one that hasn't been done a 1001 times.

and just for the record, theres no way i'd but a motor on a 60's stingray....
i'd just chop it up instead. :lol: :lol: :lol:
deorman said:
Pilot episode, scene 1-MarkM is screaming at Icyuod2 for putting a Chinese engine on a $4,000.oo '63 Stingray, while in the background, Bicycleguy is quietly snatching chains off cruiser bikes. Galtbacken is doing the same with wheel sets from road bikes. Thatsmytruck comes in and throws the Stingray through the plate glass store front as RatRod is riding by, PPSSSHHH, 2 flat tires! Scene changes to back door, Bicycleguy and Galtbacken are coming out with shopping carts full of chains and wheels, while Gold Street Customs is tossing rusty old bikes out of the dumpster. When he puts his head in the dumpster, Jaydub and Mastronaut pick out a couple of good ones, toss them into a Chevy Apache and take off in a cloud of oil and melting tires.-Roll title and break for commercial. :!:

:lol: I'd watch that. :lol:

nicely done deorman. 8)
icyuod2 said:
although i think your pilot episode would be funny as h***, i'm sooo tired of the "dramatic pause" and "reality t.v."
you'd be better off racing bicycles for pink slips. lol
ya need to come up with a novel idea,the next big craze! one that hasn't been done a 1001 times.

and just for the record, theres no way i'd but a motor on a 60's stingray....
i'd just chop it up instead. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Wow that chopper is MINT!
Thanks for all the comments and suggestions. Asking if some version of a show about bikes on here is a little like shooting fish in a barrel. Bike guys watching a show about bikes? Crazy talk. For the record, yeah most of these shows are about personalities. Recall that the Tuetles don't have a stream of customer activity that is the subject of show. Neither would this really. It would be about the folks in the shop, the bike teams they sponsor, might focus on some big events or other nonsense. These shows are more of a scripted reality show than raw reality. The Tuetles didn't just happen to goggle Jon and Kate plus 8's address and show up one morning for a play date. Reality is guided to say the least on these shows. And this one would be no different.

But thanks for the input and ideas.

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