Chirping brakes just let them know you're coming. No horn needed.1950 Snyder built Hawthorne triple bar (Colson guard). However, I have to rebuild the coaster brake 'cause it is chirping.View attachment 116711
There is a gale going on the day after these pictures were taken. Official NWS gale warning. It was brewing yesterday because it was a windy ride but now it’s roaring, cold and snowing. More trees are blowing down. Ill have to sharpen my chainsaw. What the? It’s April 19 today. Gonna be like this until Wednesday. I’ll ride again Thursday. It’s unrideable today unless you are up for an unenjoyable ride. I’m gonna sit by the fire and make yogurt, bread and cream brûlé. That way I get to play with my torch. Bah!Twenty two miles on the road today with Larry T, another guy in his 70s. I rode the bike with the dropped bars, Larry rode his mountain bike. He is tough to keep up with. We rode on the Buckhorn Road and Sixteen Mile Lake Road in the Hiawatha National Forrest. These photos were taken on the boundary of where the Lake Superior snow belt ends and the Lake Michigan low snow "banana belt" stars. Riding south from here the snow banks diminish with each mile. Five miles north of here the banks are quite a bit bigger.View attachment 116998View attachment 116999
Coolest bottle cage ever
Are these 700/29er wheels? Man sometimes I just can't tell. I like everything about this bikeI had been riding the Tycoon around until last week. Dunno If I have any pics of the new ride, but it was built mostly from my spare parts and stuff collecting dust in the back of the local bike shop.
They're 650B/27.5 wheels, and yeah, I ran the rear brake cable through the frame.Are these 700/29er wheels? Man sometimes I just can't tell. I like everything about this bike
Is the rear brake cable through or along the frame?
You gotta be careful with the anodized. It's a slippery slope. Some looks good, too much is easy to do!Coolest bottle cage ever
You gotta be careful with the anodized. It's a slippery slope. Some looks good, too much is easy to do!
View attachment 117254
Our lake has a lot of Northern Water Snakes. They eat minnows and drown in our minnow traps. It looks like a NWS to me, but ours are black. They get pretty big. Perhaps they are like Grey Squirrels, every now and then there is a black one. Natural col variation?Not a recent picture, but after knocking another hole in the beaver dam, I was taking this for a ride when . . .
View attachment 117678
I encountered this snake on the bridge over the "moat". It's about 2' long. Although it's a solid color and not mottled like it's "supposed" to be, consensus seems to be that it's probably a Northern Water Snake as nothing else fits. Pretty cool looking and not the least bit concerned about me being so close. I probably could have pet the thing, but social distancing and all that. Hmm, is someone's burning leaves? Shrug and continue down the long driveway . . .
View attachment 117677
Nope, it's a neighbor's house burning down. Contractors were reportedly working on the roof earlier, so I think someone screwed up pretty badly. People are all safe, but I don't know how much of the contents of the house are salvageable and insurance can't replace the stuff that really matters. This is the quietest and most uppity place I've lived by a massive margin and I've seen and experienced unusual things in each of them, but I haven't been here quite two years yet and this combined with the naked junkie who assaulted me last November is quickly moving up the ranks to become the the craziest one. I guess it's always the quiet ones? Friendly skunk from two places ago still beats the snake, though, and the cat chasing the doberman that was threatening my sister down the street when I was a kid still wins in the animal category overall and even the coyotes around here can't beat that.
View attachment 117679
Our lake has a lot of Northern Water Snakes. They eat minnows and drown in our minnow traps. It looks like a NWS to me, but ours are black. They get pretty big. Perhaps they are like Grey Squirrels, every now and then there is a black one. Natural col variation?