What is burning man???

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LOL, ok.... I don't think there is a Mandatet Law that says you have to attend in the buf.
As I Recall , we are all born into this world as a Gift From God & as I recall, He Delivers ALL OF US , to all his followers on this Earth BUCK ASS NAKED !! lol
Correct me if i'm wrong here please Mr. Rat Rod Steve.

There Is Nothing wrong with nudity, Its what everyone wants to attach to it that starts making it a dark thing.
Pesonally I dont feel I would go in the buff but thats me ok. Im a Prude lol.
I feel there is a time & place for everything & Nothing should be done or used to/in exceses ......... except mayby old hard to find bicycles ...lol yano
If they wana pay $300.00 each to run around in the desert SUN BURNING THE HECK out of their tender bits ( breast & wangs ) , who am I to tell them no.
It will fix it's self after they cant wear a Brazier , Shirt or Pants or sit down for a week during the healing aterwords lol.
Stupid is as stupid dose & Im sure you only do that once.

We still have people now that leave there garbage were they used it last .... we call them homeless now .... the hippys all grew up & got Jobs
Dose this mean you can Bash them ??? They ride Bikes Too. I Kinda sence a Hater in the crowd .....
To Bad.
Haters Suffer from sever STUPIDITY ... Like I mentioned earlyer... Stupid is as stupid dose. Guess Hatters just cant help themselves ... Oh Well lol
I hate Green Beans ,Coliflower & Burnt Toast lol
Na I don't hate hippies just the action less than half of them had made and good conversation Wingman the way good people are supposed to have, I just don't like when some people put them many times in such a great light when they did some bad things along with the good.
There is good & Bad in EVERYTHING Life Has to Offer.
Im sure there are some dud hippies Just like there are Good & Bad Politicans
Best Current Example would be the Republicans rite now ..... Bash Away lol.
BTW..... Im Republican but I wouldnt vote for them rite now. Nothing being said positive about how we gonna fix things ..... everyone just slingling monkey poop .... How embarising.
Shut it off now !!
Wingman said:
There is good & Bad in EVERYTHING Life Has to Offer.
Im sure there are some dud hippies Just like there are Good & Bad Politicans
Best Current Example would be the Republicans rite now ..... Bash Away lol.
BTW..... Im Republican but I wouldnt vote for them rite now. Nothing being said positive about how we gonna fix things ..... everyone just slingling monkey poop .... How embarising.
Shut it off now !!
There's good polititions? :?
outskirtscustoms said:
If it was free or like $10-$20 a ticket I'd give it a shot just to see the weird bicycles, fire, and naked chicks. :mrgreen:
Maybe but 350 an naked dudes not for this country boy no way
My daughter is a fire dancer and has gone to the last 3 years "burn". She is there now having the time of her life! She gets in on a performance ticket which is way cheaper. It's cold at night, blazing hot during the day. Not to mention the dust storms when everyone takes cover. She is 28 and I think she just enjoys the temporary, reality escape more than anything. :wink:
mitchelangelo said:
My daughter is a fire dancer and has gone to the last 3 years "burn". She is there now having the time of her life! She gets in on a performance ticket which is way cheaper. It's cold at night, blazing hot during the day. Not to mention the dust storms when everyone takes cover. She is 28 and I think she just enjoys the temporary, reality escape more than anything. :wink:

wish there was a "like" button here!

My wife is a fire performer also, and though we haven't been to "the" burn we go to our regional burns every year. At first it didn't sound like fun to me but after going, is is what you make of it. No one cares what you do and doesn't pass judgement, they only ask the same. If you see something you don't like, move along something cool is right around the corner! 8)

BTW, wife and I ARE going to Burning Man in 2014 when we turn 40 :shock:
Hey , There is hope !!

I knew some of you would get what its all about. It's nice to see were not ALL Bone Heads.

Burning Man is about What you make of it, Life , Diversity, bicycles & Personal Statement . ..... Not Hippys.

If The puff puff pass thing bugs ya , there is a serman on God rite around the corner .... keep going. Im thinking ther is proably nothing wrong with either .... what seat do I/you feel like occupying should be everyones biggest worry. Before you condem either, remember God didn't make Junk & He created Both.
I'm Betting that in that Mountain of left behind bicycles, I proably wouldn't be able to fill a garbage bag with anything on them that anyone here would be after or want ..... mostly late model wal mart kinda stuff/junk

Nothing Precious

LOL the sandbox thing ..... we will call it Burning Kid

OK SOooooo all you xperts,
What Ealse is the Black Rock Desert got going on, or is famous for besides the Burning Man ??? Some BIG Histtory has been made there in the past. Who ealse uses it for what .... hint hint , clues....... Ridley Scott , Fomoco, & Finally , Ka BOOM !!

This is the Wingmanleader back to base ...... OUT
Wingman said:
Hey , There is hope !!

I knew some of you would get what its all about. It's nice to see were not ALL Bone Heads.

Burning Man is about What you make of it, Life , Diversity, bicycles & Personal Statement . ..... Not Hippys.

If The puff puff pass thing bugs ya , there is a serman on God rite around the corner .... keep going. Im thinking ther is proably nothing wrong with either .... what seat do I/you feel like occupying should be everyones biggest worry. Before you condem either, remember God didn't make Junk & He created Both.
I'm Betting that in that Mountain of left behind bicycles, I proably wouldn't be able to fill a garbage bag with anything on them that anyone here would be after or want ..... mostly late model wal mart kinda stuff/junk

Nothing Precious

LOL the sandbox thing ..... we will call it Burning Kid

OK SOooooo all you xperts,
What Ealse is the Black Rock Desert got going on, or is famous for besides the Burning Man ??? Some BIG Histtory has been made there in the past. Who ealse uses it for what .... hint hint , clues....... Ridley Scott , Fomoco, & Finally , Ka BOOM !!

This is the Wingmanleader back to base ...... OUT

I've been 10 times since 2000 and I have no idea what you mean... :p

Took my dad this year.
So nobody is aware of anything about Black Rock Desert ??? No guesses
None .....

More hints .......

Ok Another Hint for you speed deamons ..... oops that was the hint lol..... Ka Booom .... planes do this

Ok , so what do you think about when you see FoMoCo on something (Dearborn / Windsor/ Detroit) althogh it's a pretty easy hint, it proably has ya wondering what they would be doing on the desert.

Ok , all you worldly types out there lol,
Ridley Scott Just Died ...... Fly Into the Danger Zone ..... any one heard that before ??? or .... some guy named Mavrick .... or mayby the term Punch Out ???

Ok , you guys should be able to figure out the commonalitys of the above hints & the Black Rock Desert Area share or have in common with Burning Man and the desert