To me, money no object builds don't do much for me. That's not to say I couldn't come up with something quite expensive.
My problem is that I am all over the place with bikes. I have my regular staples of my stable (road, mountain, singlespeed hybrid) but a cruiser has always been something of a "flavor of the month." I have been pretty successful finding cruisers, spending just a few dollars to rehab and tweak, and eventually selling for a profit or at least breaking even. Having a long term build where I stay focused on a vision and the financial backing to see it to completion isn't feasible for me. The one full-on build I have done cost me way too much money for a bike I ended up hating the way it felt. I only spent so much time and money on it because I thought it was going to be a replacement for one in my stable.
As of late, I am hankering for a bmx inspired bike. I really want to build something around a 26/24" wheelset with Felt Berm Master tires. In all honestly, if I came across a Felt Iron Cross 400 or Bolt, I'd just snag it.