Man, was just getting ready to liven up this forum with a couple of builds of a 61 Columbia Firebolt boardtracker/ semi-test bed for some grubee 2 strokes. Had just swapped the Super-Rat motor into it with a smaller rear sprocket for some "more efficient mail-haulin' " 8) However I was letting my little brohansephski learn how to work a motorbike while he 'reassured' that he listened on how to slow down and corner 5 times in a row with "Yeah, I got it." Little sucker came into a corner too fast, didnt know how to slow down, hit a concrete barrier which pitched him up and over a 5 foot cast iron and steel cable fence post, and dropped him into a 20 ft ravine. Somehow he came out with just some roadrash on his inner arm and a due case of the suckitups, sadly that cant be said for the test bed. Conveniently this also means that I cant get to finishing my (attractive) '77 Metrocycle Boardtracker build