Whats your favorite bicycle noise?

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a combination of the sturmey archer hub ticking and the wind rushing by. The bike sound I want to hear is "ok, I'll take fifty bucks for my all original Schwinn Panther"
caffeine7 said:
a combination of the sturmey archer hub ticking and the wind rushing by. The bike sound I want to hear is "ok, I'll take fifty bucks for my all original Schwinn Panther"
ill second that, and add, "yeah, you can have my elgin bluebird"
yeah the best sound is the ratcheting of a freewheel sprocket. next best is the sound of coasting w/ the same freewheel and pedaling backwards for no reason but to speed up the ratchet sound 8)
beatcad said:
yeah the best sound is the ratcheting of a freewheel sprocket. next best is the sound of coasting w/ the same freewheel and pedaling backwards for no reason but to speed up the ratchet sound 8)
Thats too funny! Ive done this since I was a kid and never thought about till you said it ! :mrgreen:
i put a yankees baseball card on my springer earlier, takes me back to my childhoot! i aint to old, but my uncle used to do it with our bikes
Mystery Noise

Saturday was gorgeous with clear skies, temps in the mid 70's, and nothing at all in the "have to do" department, so I broke out the Heavy Duti, and went cruising. I take good care of my bikes, and I'm a nut for bike maintenance, even though an old coaster brake single speed doesn't really need much in the way of periodic adjustments.
Nonetheless, after riding a few blocks I noticed a small noise coming from somewhere on the bicycle. Tink, tink, tink, tink, every turn of the crank produced this odd little noise. Crank hitting the kickstand? No. Chain slop? Not on my bike. Still, I stopped to check. The chain was fine. So I hopped back on, and coasted a little ways. No noise. Until I got off the main boulevard, and headed down a quiet side street. Tink, tink, tink
Damn. Something in a tire? Stop again, and check. The tires are fine.
Tink tink tink Uh, oh. Maybe the bearing cup in the bottom bracket is cracked. No, that would make a different sort of noise. Loose spokes? No, that can't be it. Cracked frame? Broken weld? Tink, tink, tink...
I was racking my brain trying to figure it out. Maybe turn back, and get one of the other bikes, maybe just look down while I'm pedaling along and see if I can notice-

that the tip of the stiff new shoelace from my new sneakers was sticking straight out to the side, and slapping the chainguard with every turn of the crank.
Tink tink tink

Well, that's an easy fix, isn't it?

At least I didn't go back home and rip the bike apart.

Well when i think of a bike sound i sit and think back to when i was as a kid when you would hopped a curb and then landed the clangity clang clang from a loose chain hitting your chain guard that all ways brings back the feeling of a Michigan summer.. with the chang chang chang chang of the good humor ice cream truck in the faint back round... :lol: :lol: :lol: