Where can I find cable ends for brake cables?

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Jun 10, 2018
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Looking for the ferrules/cable stops that fit older brake levers. One of mine broke and has rendered the brake unusable and I have no replacements and Local bike shops don't either, too "old" of a bike. Bike in Question was made by CCM.

I took off the working brake cable from the lever, to show what it "should" look like.



Here's the broken one..
The 'end button' in the OP is what we used to call a "Phillips" style. The bell shaped end buttons used to only have the one larger step down and were called "Weinmann" style. Nowadays distributors typically only stock the "universal" style- a Weinmann with a second smaller step down to fit the hole where the Phillips used to be used. Functional but ugly in the Phillips role, most shops have them.

Maybe an employee has to be a certain age to know... ;)

It's cool that Porkchop gives such detailed dimensions on those end buttons!
Thanks for the replies.

I looked at Porkchop's website but it'd be $30 to ship to Canada+ the cost of the items them selves, in US dollars, which would be about $40. Now trying to find a place with better shipping rates. We're also under lockdown atm so, everything is curbside pickup atm, can't go into small shops.

So, found these ones on Fleabay, after conversion, it's $27Cad for 100 of them shipped. They seem like the right ones or at least similar enough. Compared to $2 for 2+$30 shipping from Porkchops. They're from the UK but, for whatever reason, stuff gets here faster from there than the US, at least for me...lol.

Retro Flutter - Shipping is unfortunate for you. Living in USA I was able to bag a pair of each for vintage levers I have, along with some clearance goodies for $40 and free shipping!

Now I wish I would of bought extras so I could just mail you a couple. :confused:
I dunno about those UK parts, typically if somebody describes it as 'BMX' I would expect the larger diameter...

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