Where do you buy new tires for flip bikes? (cruiser 26 x2.125)

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Actually the one bike I was able to pump up what was there and I think I will advertise is as New tires optional for additional cash......Local store is selling those cheap Bell packaged tires for over $20 apiece nowadays....so that isn't going to happen on this cruiser...

"Tires are useable but need to be replaced for daily use...."
"Tires show cracking"
"Tires not perfect but can still be used"
"replace tires and it will be as good as a new bike at half the cost "

There's got to be a better way to say it could use tires but I'm not buying them.....:soapbox:
You could also just buy $20 cheapy walbikes, and steal the tires off of them, and have the extra parts to sit there and rot instead.

Dunno. Personally, any womens cruiser bike isn't worth my time. I have a hard time selling any of the ones I get, and make little profit if any on them.
If you're flipping bikes and want to make any money at all, they need to be in 100% working condition. Unless you have something pretty special, noone looking on Craigslist is going to pay good money for a bike that needs to be fixed up. That's really why flipping works at all. You spend the time looking for people or places unloading bikes for nothing because they need work, you fix them up so they need nothing, and you make a tidy profit. The people that complain that they can't make money flipping are the ones that try to buy low and sell high without doing anything. You have to put SOME effort in. I fixed up bikes all winter, had a sale this weekend and sold 10 bikes, and will deliver 2 more this week. All were ready to ride and needed nothing. One guy traded in a nice kids Specialized bike because the coaster brake hub slipped a little. I'll put another wheel on and sell it for $75. He was just going to give it to me to get it out of his way.
Bike will be gone thru, cleaned, polished, adjusted, lubed, and all operational but I have a hard time with spending $50 on tires on a flip bike.....Call me a DKO if ya want...

But if the current tires are rideable with cracking.....I will ride it some and make sure they aren't about to pop, and I'll sell it that way.

I know I'm not going to make a living this way..Not when you can go to Walmart and buy a $99 bike...
I cannot help but suspect that y'all would be better off just listing "needs new tires" in the ad. The last thing many prospective buyers will want to do is reimburse you for the cheapest-possible tires at full retail.
I can certainly see your point, but everyone here wants ready to ride. Most people I see couldn't change a tire if they had to.
The older 40-50-60s era bikes I've flipped the past year, only about half of them were ride ready when sold. Anything under $100 usually didn't, most over did.

Generally not worth the time for me if I can't make $50 minimum on a flip, and I try for at least $100 after parts, excluding any labor.

It really depends on the type/era/style of bike, and who would potentially buy such a bike. The market for womens older cruisers is so flooded with sellers and very few buyers, that unless you get the bikes for free, you probably will struggle to break even after your costs. Older womens bikes are generally the cheapest on pickerslist, and make for good donors.
New tires and tubes +shipping on a flip bike...there goes your profit.
Usually, I find that most tires on a bike I buy to flip...(or find on the side of the road out for trash pickup) the tires are good...but just flat and dirty...sometimes all they need is pumped up, or maybe a new tube...wash them with stiff brush and soapy water and spray with tire shine.....

Sometimes, I'll buy a complete bike at Thrift for like 10 or 12 bucks just for the tires...that's the cost of two tubes, and you get a whole bike of 'parts' to use too, plus good tubing to cut up for custom work.

Check CList under bike supplies....I found a local guy who stockpiled a load of old tires and rims...lots of good usable tires, he sells for 5 bucks apiece.

If it's a cherry bike that I know I'll make out good on...(I got an old Schwinn World Road Bike in primo shape), but the tires were like rock...that one I bought some new from BikeTiresDirect...gumwalls..they were cheap...like 11 dollars apiece...but that bike will fetch $200.00
Only "bought" one new tire ever. It was a 26" gumwall for one I intended to keep but later sold. All my tires come from scrappers. I have a like new pair of whitewall 26x2.125s right now that came from a 5.00 Huffy.Tubes were good too.

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I only bought one set of new tires in the past 10 years, yet my wall has 10 sets of like new tires on it that I got from cheap parts bikes . I quickly take off balloon tires or road tires and re-sell the cheap bikes with knobby or bmx tires . Cheap bikes sell and my collection gets nicer cheaply. Any cool or old bike gets road or Balloon tires from my trading to resell. People who buy cheap bikes are happy, I am happy, and my wallet is a little happier. I really can't remember when I bought any new replacement parts for any bike Except for Tubes. This includes cranks, wheels, seats, and more. I guess I'm. Re-CycleAlolic
Most of my tires come from buying other bikes. Not easy to find a cruiser tires though.

I made friends with my local drive around scrap guy. he stops on Sunday and let's me look at how bikes he had on the trailer. Sometimes I buy them or he just drops them off and I strip a few pieces, give them back.
He also gets all my bike and car scrap.
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