Great thread. It is definitely a shame that manufacturing in this country is getting to be nonexistent. Confiscatory taxes, labor union abuses, high insurance costs and poor political policies (nafta, cafta etc...) are no doubt at the root of this problem. The current mantra spewed forth from the fountain of academia that we are simply in a part of a natural socio-economic cycle, whereby a society goes from being agrarian based, (farming) to industrial/manufacturing based to our current position of "technology" based, is little more than a useless observation of the obvious. It doesnt give us a clue as to what comes next, or if it is healthy. What happens when China (currently in its "industrial/manufacturing" phase) moves into its "technology" phase? Where do we end up, when we no longer have the means to produce and our technological contribution can be obtained from China for cheaper? We borrow money from China, our Government peddles it out US consumers through ridiculous bailout schemes, US consumers spend the bulk of it on Chinese goods. The money they lend us is the profit from the goods they sell to us. I'm no economist, I'm not even smart, but that just doesnt seem to be wise. Proverbs 22:7 "The rich rules over the poor,and the borrower is the slave of the lender."
One of the interesting byproducts of the current "green" trend is that many people are looking to purchase more domestically produced products to lessen the environmental impact from shipping and to avoid supporting overseas factories that are less "environmentally concience". I'm no tree hugger, but I find this facet of their movement to be somewhat encouraging.
I have recently been researching the feasibility of building a US made bike, and there are a ton of custom bike builders in the US, and it is a trend that is on the rise. Its pretty slim pickins on components though. Pauls Components and Snap BMX are 2 that come to mind, but from what I can find there are NO US tire manufacturers, No US made pedals, and I think Aerospoke is about it for US made wheels. Perhaps some of you know of some others, and the mods here could keep a list of US bike/parts manufacturers stickied somewhere. The site has compiled links to US manufactures of all types of goods, from clothes to sporting goods, including bikes. This is something we can do to try change things, word of mouth advertising for US manufacturers, and the discipline to spend a little more on the goods they produce. We certainly cant rely on the government to fix anything, and really we never should anyway. Free people promoting a Free market.