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Thank you so much! It's the same here in Sweden, we don't have those old cruiser kind of bikes either, almost all old bikes here are diamond frames.
If it ever happens that you talk to someone on the russian forums, who mentions they like what I build, please say thank you from me and let them know I appreciate it, since I don't know the language to be able to thank them myself. I hope that anyone who want's to try and build a bike or make their own custom parts feel encouraged to give it a try. If I can do it, many others can do it too!
Progress has been slow for a while, lot's of studying, but I've managed to make a little progress on the bike.



Watching Half Link's sidecar build and a some fairing work by the Wizard Brothers on BikeRodNKustom I've come up with an idea of how to make things easier when it comes to glassing the body of the Whippet. More of that to come... :)
Wow Galt, that body is looking awesome!!!
This one is already at another level, museum level...
cant wait to see more!
God speed on your studies!!!
Hey Galt the shaping on the body is looking really great!! I like how you rounded the edges off. Great touch!! I must admit though, I’m a little confused on how I might have given you any ideas unless it was, what not to do!! :lol: :lol: When will you be getting some time off from your studies? You sure have been hitting those books hard lately, betting that you would enjoy some time off!!!

Keep up the great work buddy!! 8) 8)
Thanks man! :D
It was when I saw how you held the fiber glass in place with tape when you glassed the fender, and later when I saw the Wizard Brothers pin the fiber glass down when they made some kind of fairing, that the idea I'm going to try popped up. Your sidecar build gives good advise and is very inspiring to watch. 8)
Yeah, studying has taken up much of my time lately. I'll have some days off for Christmas. There are two exams coming up in a couple of weeks that I'll have to study for, but I hope there will be time for some bikebuilding too! Need to rest my head once in a while, I've noticed I get stupid when I'm tired... :lol: Hope you'll get some time to work on your build as well! :)
Been searching for that Wizard Brothers fiber build... couldn't find it :cry:
I got distracted with other things on that page, after two hours couldn't even remember what I was doing here on earth. :lol:
Galtbacken said:
To remind you of your current mission on earth: You're supposed to help your in-laws with stuff! :mrgreen:
:( :( :(
I´ll return to my planet then :lol:

Wow, thanks for the link! that thing looks awesome! I love the fenders... mmmm... I see the connection now... HL I know why your jumping off bridges :lol:

I liked the step by step tutorial about working the epoxi-fiberglass, now I´m gonna have to build a bike just to get to build a couple of those fenders... :D and I guess I wont be buying the UFO fuel then :lol:

Galt, why haven't you build a hot-wire cutter yet? :D :?:
Maybe we can upgrade that model combining a knife and a solder :!: :?: :wink:
61rustrat: Thank you very much! :)

Gdcast: I suggest you stay around a while longer before you get on board the mothership and return to base. :lol:

Gdcast said:
Galt, why haven't you build a hot-wire cutter yet? :D :?:

Oh, I guess because I'd probably make an even bigger mess of my apartment if I did. :D So far for this build, I've found that hacksaw-blades and a sharp knife and some sanding paper has worked just fine. Maybe for future builds I'll feel a greater need for a hot-wire cutter. :)

Merry Christmas everybody! :)
Galtbacken said:
Oh, I guess because I'd probably make an even bigger mess of my apartment if I did. :D

Yeah, don´t listen to me, I´m sometimes impelled to build/own complicated tools I never use cause they get bitten by, let´s say for example... a spoon. :lol:
Kind of: Woa, dude, what´s that cool machine for? - Throwing money... :roll: :lol:

Gdcast: I suggest you stay around a while longer before you get on board the mothership and return to base. :lol:

I´ll stay on earth for a while then... but just to see how the Whippet turns out :wink:

Merry Christmas!
I'll make sure that this build goes veeeeeery slooooooowly then... :wink:

Merry Christmas! :D

P.S. Just for the record, I'll still listen to your ideas and suggestions. D.S. :lol:
Just tuning in to the Whippet Channel....I think I'm all caught up on previous episodes and can't wait to see some new progress pics! :D Absolutely amazing bike with graceful lines and great ingenuity! Loving the use of so many different materials....artwork at it's finest! Great job man!
really cool!,candy flake paint would be killer on that frame.just a suggestion u da man with the plan...
Another way to make glassing easier is to use a spray adhesive.
If you lightly spray the back of the cloth first then lay it on the piece you are glassing.
This gives you enough tack to allow you to work out any wrinkles and get it fitted around all the corners.
Then you brush the resin on working it into the weave.
If you are careful it will be real smooth and require very little sanding.

SoCalBeachCruiser: Thanks man, glad you like it so far! I'm having fun experimenting with different materials to see how it works. There are some really smooth, balanced and nice looking lines on your build as well, I look forward to seeing what more you've got planned for it! :)
Broadcasting on the Whippet-channel has been on hiatus for a few weeks. I needed a little break just to kick back and take it easy for a while, do some drawing and just try to relax from studies and all. I've also been rehearsing with one of the bands I'm in and recording some drums for two other musicians making an album, so that has taken up some of my time too. But now an urge to get some more done on the bike is starting to build up and I hope to make a little progress on it soon. :)

primeover: Thanks for the kind words and the paint suggestion! I've been having all kinds of different ideas about how to paint it. If I should keep the paint scheme clean and simple, if I should make something a bit more elaborate, if I should keep the colours kind of low key or make it bright and eye-catching. My first idea was to paint it like an old NSU Bantam (still haven't discarded that idea), then Gdcast came with some nice suggestions that would look nice and every now and then even more alternatives comes to mind and inspire me. I haven't thought of candy flake until you mentioned it, but I think that could look really good too! One more option to take into consideration! Just don't know yet what mood I want the bike to reflect. :)

g-ratter: That sounds like a great idea! Thanks! I'll have to try that. 8) Do the regular ones that 3M makes work, or does it require some special kind of spray adhesive?

Thank you all for your feedback and for taking time to check this build out, I really appreciate it!
I have used the 3M. Just go light with it. You want to give it just enough tack to hold it in place without saturationg it.
Your bikes have always "overwhelmed" me! It amazes me how much patience and TALENT you have. I have no desire to design or build anything from scratch (old and LAZY), but I love seeing what builders of your caliber create........This bike is over the top!

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