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:shock: For some strange reason I missed the Mustang build :cry: :cry:
Awesome bike!!! Paint job and stripes, what can I say? To faint for!!!

Can´t wait to see what you´ve done on the Whippet!!!
Stay well my friend! :wink:
Oh, there are so many builds to keep track of on thius forum so it's no wonder some bikes go under the radar. :) Glad you like it though, thank you! There are more photos of the finished Mustang in the finished bikes section in RRBBO4 if you want to see some more detailed pics, the build thread didnd't show much how the bike turned out.

Started glassing the lights yesterday:



What the flat piece on the left is for will be explained later. I have an idea on how I'm going to hold the clear plexi in place that differs a little from previous lights I've made. We'll see how it works out. :)

All good! :)
Wow!! I love the way the lights are looking and can’t wait to see your new idea for the plexi-glass! I wish I had that kind of work station at home. Sure would be nice wouldn’t it? :D Have you added anymore foam to the frame or done any shaping since the last pictures that you posted? That part to me looks like it will be the most fun part of the build...or do I mean the most fun and challenging part of the build? My guess is that once again you will amaze us all as you go along! :D

Keep up the great work buddy! HL
Thanks Half Link! :D

Half Link said:
I wish I had that kind of work station at home. Sure would be nice wouldn’t it? :D

Me too! Then I wouldn't have my living space taken over by a bike. :lol:
I've done some more shaping, but not very much. Here's a snapshot of the frame as it is right now.


This is just a rough shape, still quite a lot more shaping to do. I'll make it slimmer and the gradients will be much subtler. Decided to make the chainguard go all the way back to the seatstay, hiding the chain, instead of like it is in the sketch.

Half Link said:
...or do I mean the most fun and challenging part of the build?

My guess is that that's exactly what you mean! :lol:

The light shells released from their molds.


The way I'm going to attach the plexiglass isn't going to be exessively fancy or anything, just a little different from how I've done it previously. :)

Couldn't make time to get anything done in the workshop yesterday, but I'm hoping that I'll be able to prepare the mold for the front fender (I'm going to try to reuse the one I made for the rear fender) and start on the fender next tuesday. Fingers crossed that I don't have any lab-reports that has to be written right then. :)
I have a couple things to show you, and a couple questions to ask.

I have been using a hacksaw blade to shape foam and im not happy with the results. I think im going to buy one of these. It cuts foam like butter


my questions are, what kind of brush do you use to put the resin on with?
Do you use a roller also? if so can you post a pic of it?
After your done with the brush can you clean it or do you just throw it away?

I have just managed to pick myself up off the floor after seeing the pictures of the carved foam on the frame. :shock: :shock: WOW!! That my friend is spectacular!! 8) 8) :D I was thinking that the frame body would be a smooth rounded look almost like a tank but then I should have known better!! Did you use anything special for a mold release for the light molds because the insides look really good?

Whoop's, Sorry, hold on, just glances at the carved foam on the frame again...let me get back up.... Ok I'm good now!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Unbelievable!! 8) 8)
Looking great buddy!!! Makes me wanna buy you an electric rotary sanding machine! Too bad I live in another planet!!!

skillsthebarber: I use the worst brush I have, and never throw it away, just keep using it :wink: I´m to messy to use a roller, that wouldn't last long in my heands
deorman: Am I anywhere close to the truth if my guess is that you're an engineer of some kind? :lol:

skillsthebarber: Yeah, a device like that would probably make some part of the foam shaping a whole lot less messy! Thanks for the tip! :)
Like Gdcast, I'm also using a really cheap brush and when I'm done smearing resin with it I just rinse it in some acetone (before it cures) and then it can be used again. I use a roller sometimes, but mostly I just use the brush. I'll try to remember to take a photo of the brush and the roller for you the next time I'm glassing. :)

Half Link: Hope you didn't sprain an ankle there! :lol: Thank you, it's good to hear you like it so far! The shapes will be more rounded when I'm done with it, all the lines are sort of exaggerated right now. :) About mold release...well, you know me...using only the most exotic, fashionable and state of the art materials, I decided to go for regular clear packing tape. :lol: Works like a charm!

Gdcast: Thanks! :D I've been thinking of buying one of those, but never got around to do it. You're a Martian??!! :shock:

By the way, completely off topic, I found out the other day that the Galtbacken 18 build has found it's way to Russia! Not the actual bike, that's sitting here in the garage, but some photos of it on a russian bike forum. I couldn't quite make out if I'm still the builder! :lol:

Take care until next time everybody! :)
Sometimes I wish I were a Martian, at least they get to buy things on Epay.
Our customs charge us way to much for things bought abroad, and that´s relatively good, cause if they don´t charge you is because they kept it for them selves. :cry: :? :x
When we worked with foam, at the scenic art studio, we used the razor knives with the long break away blades for roughing out the shape. You'll get a little less mess than using a hack saw blade. We made our own HOT-WIRE cutters, using old train tansformers (power supply). They work great, because you can adjust the wire temperature. By using one like that you can make your cutter any shape you want. We even incorporated the system into large cutting tables that could handle blocks up to 6' thick.
Gdcast: That just sounds...bad! :( Here there are no customs charge if you buy things from other counties in the European Union, but there are if you order things from countries outside the union.

Robeast: Thanks for the tip! I used one of those knives for the headlight buck, but for the frame it didn't have quite enough reach so that's why I used the hacksaw blade instead. Sounds like a good option to make a hot-wire cutter like the one you're describing! :)
Galtbacken said:
deorman: Am I anywhere close to the truth if my guess is that you're an engineer of some kind? :lol: )

"Undocumented". :roll: :lol: I'd wager quite a few people on here would qualify as field engineers, some of them probably even have papers to prove it. :p Currently I specialize in drainage and soil retention work, (walls, grading, dry creeks, etc. :wink: ), building, vehicle, and equipment maintenance and repair, with occasional fill-in for deliveries, plantings, or brick jobs here- http://www.cravensnursery.com/hnl.html I can use relief maps and a transit, but we're more of a tape and string level, "eyeball it" type operation. :mrgreen:
Oh, by the way, I sure hope your glass-work body works, 'cause that frame looks like it would pancake pretty easy. :mrgreen:
Hey siberian, yeah that's the thread I saw! Don't know one word of what it says, I'm not familiar with the russian language. I only know two words in russian, "thank you" and "cheers", but I can't spell either of them. :) It was cool to find it, 'cause it seems to be a page with a whole lot of bikes from all around the world, and it was a surprise to find one of my builds among those.
nothing surprising in this, you're one of most talented bike builders which i know, really!
in Russia have some bike enthusiasts, who follow your works, it's very cognitive and impressive, because we don't have old cruiser frames and parts like in USA, old russian bikes maximum looks like an hollanders. and your work show, how to make bikes with own hands.

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