deorman: Am I anywhere close to the truth if my guess is that you're an engineer of some kind? :lol:
skillsthebarber: Yeah, a device like that would probably make some part of the foam shaping a whole lot less messy! Thanks for the tip!

Like Gdcast, I'm also using a really cheap brush and when I'm done smearing resin with it I just rinse it in some acetone (before it cures) and then it can be used again. I use a roller sometimes, but mostly I just use the brush. I'll try to remember to take a photo of the brush and the roller for you the next time I'm glassing.
Half Link: Hope you didn't sprain an ankle there! :lol: Thank you, it's good to hear you like it so far! The shapes will be more rounded when I'm done with it, all the lines are sort of exaggerated right now.

About mold release...well, you know me...using only the most exotic, fashionable and state of the art materials, I decided to go for regular clear packing tape. :lol: Works like a charm!
Gdcast: Thanks!

I've been thinking of buying one of those, but never got around to do it. You're a Martian??!! :shock:
By the way, completely off topic, I found out the other day that the Galtbacken 18 build has found it's way to Russia! Not the actual bike, that's sitting here in the garage, but some photos of it on a russian bike forum. I couldn't quite make out if I'm still the builder! :lol:
Take care until next time everybody!