I had an old guy that did my chrome. He'd drive it from Springfield to St.Louis, get it stripped, bring it back home and polish it, take it back to St.L for plating, pick it up, etc., etc. Anyway, he died a while back. Probably drove himself to death with all those trips from Springfield to St.Louis. :|
So I'm looking for a mail order chrome place. Who do you use? I've got the number for a place called Proctors in Michigan but haven't called them. Are they still in business? Any good? I just have one small project...all the chrome from one bike. I don't need museum quality work, just good quality. Thanks, Gary
So I'm looking for a mail order chrome place. Who do you use? I've got the number for a place called Proctors in Michigan but haven't called them. Are they still in business? Any good? I just have one small project...all the chrome from one bike. I don't need museum quality work, just good quality. Thanks, Gary