Who here is over 50?

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I am near 50, but not as near as I was 14 years ago. Still have my hair and its original color. Can't see, can't hear, can hardly move, but still as good looking as I was when I was 25. :roll:

My avatar is over 50 years old.
Rodland said:
I am near 50, but not as near as I was 14 years ago. Still have my hair and its original color. Can't see, can't hear, can hardly move, but still as good looking as I was when I was 25. :roll:My avatar is over 50 years old.

Somebody tried to sell me one of those MAGIC mirrors........I had no idea they really worked. :lol:
i am, i am 54, 55 in april i ride every day weather permitting both rat rods and my muscle bikes you are old only if you fell old, thanks for asking. :mrgreen:
Merrick said:
51 in December...my brain still thinks it's in its 20's, but my back proves it wrong quite often.
daggum gingers.. :p :lol:
sorry if that offends you btw, i just cant help myself. my best friend's a redhead 8)
You guys all rock to me and are an inspiration to me! I'm only 42 but, I hope I am tearing it up when I turn 50. Diabetes and a job that is challenging for a twenty something young man, make me feel older than I care too. Bike riding keeps me young. Stay cool and keep on doin' your thing fellas! Old guys rule!
Just taking a peek again at these old guys, wow. I realized and didn't give my age directly so I thought I would do the numbers in real time......

I'm 58
I feel like I'm 78 some days.
I think like I'm 28
but my daughter says I act like I'm 12

I turned 64 this past September. So far I think that makes me the second oldest guy to post on this thread. My Grandchildren keep me thinking young except for all that dad-gummed new-fangled technology. I just hand the electronic gizmos to them and say "here fix this". "Hardware" is where it's at, not "software". My oldest Grandson (Double Nickle) got me started building Rat Bikes with him a while back and I am loving it.
My problem is "the older I get, the better I used to be"
Me & one of my dogs having fun


I'm liking this site more & more each day!!!


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