Buyers need no reason to protest the charge, Gift or not. Buyers hold all the cards on any Credit Card Charge for anything. Especially PayPal.
I think ur wrong Herman. I dont have a credit card, at all. Debit only. And I am sure that a gift, to paypal,is a GIFT.They dont make their 2%, and could give a rats butt if you contest it. U gave a GIFT, not payment for a rusty bike part. I think Im done doing that. Unless I know ya...Ihave done it for locals here in the 'Burgh, but I know where they live....LOLhonestherman said:Buyers need no reason to protest the charge, Gift or not. Buyers hold all the cards on any Credit Card Charge for anything. Especially PayPal.
I wouldnt trust ya..BWAHAHAHAHAdogdart said:I ask for gift payments from forum members & most don't seem to mind , or I add 3 percent , But I have a good feedback score & am active forum member , so I think that buys me some trust
honestherman said:Then PayPal now does a 1099 to you and reports to IRS when you do total transactions that are 10,000.00 per year. Thats enough reasons to avoid paypal right there.
jerrykr said:I personally have had good luck with Paypal, buying and selling here and buying and selling on ebay.
Money orders are a pain for me, as I have to take it somewhere to get my money. The post office is not close by my house.
I think most people's bad experiences with paypal and craiglist are directly due to the people who they are dealing with, not the service.
One suggestion: I set up a seperate free bank account online at my bank that is strictly used for online buying and selling.
Paypal is tied to it. I would Never tie my family bank account to Paypal. I keep that account balance at $25.00.
If any money goes into it, I quickly move it to one of my other accounts. Paypal cannot get to more than $25.00.
Just a suggestion that has so far, worked for me.
Rat Rod said:The Internet is the devil..stay away, hide your money in a sock.
Rat Rod said:The Internet is the devil..stay away, hide your money in a sock.
Rat Rod said:The Internet is the devil..stay away, hide your money in a sock.
outskirtscustoms said:I believe in the old ways, when everybody had their money in their pocket...right under the gun that kept it there.
For all those with credit cards...a huge reason i dont have customer service (more than likely not located in this country) give them your credit card numbers, name, address, passwords, and since they are not in this country they could steal your identity and you would be out of luck. Would they even try to go after them?