why no Paypal?

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i havent ordered or sold with ebay, im kinda old fashioned i guess. when i do order anything online, i always use a prepaid gift card. cant trace it back to my account or add charges. im sure its not foolproof, but its been working.and i agree with bct also, all this electronic stuff can take a crap anytime and you cant get youre money when you need it. actually hapened to me before, money in the bank that was closed from the flood, couldnt go to another town to a bank or the looters would take what you did salvage before you got back. black crown and i may have gotten off topic here a little, but its something to think about. not doomsday prepper stuff, but murphys law.
honestherman said:
Buyers need no reason to protest the charge, Gift or not. Buyers hold all the cards on any Credit Card Charge for anything. Especially PayPal.
I think ur wrong Herman. I dont have a credit card, at all. Debit only. And I am sure that a gift, to paypal,is a GIFT.They dont make their 2%, and could give a rats butt if you contest it. U gave a GIFT, not payment for a rusty bike part. I think Im done doing that. Unless I know ya...Ihave done it for locals here in the 'Burgh, but I know where they live....LOL
I ask for gift payments from forum members & most don't seem to mind , or I add 3 percent , But I have a good feedback score & am active forum member , so I think that buys me some trust
dogdart said:
I ask for gift payments from forum members & most don't seem to mind , or I add 3 percent , But I have a good feedback score & am active forum member , so I think that buys me some trust
I wouldnt trust ya..BWAHAHAHAHA
Why no Paypal? Why not sit on delivery 'til my check clears? I may have bought or sold half a dozen things over the net and I don't need any more stuff in my life to keep on top of, especially something with some of the symptoms of why my employer (along with others) doesn't take American express. I did use a provisional temporary Paypal transaction to purchase an electronic module, maybe you should look into having something like that.
honestherman said:
Then PayPal now does a 1099 to you and reports to IRS when you do total transactions that are 10,000.00 per year. Thats enough reasons to avoid paypal right there.

Oh the irony! And your name is "honest herman". :p I just love this place. 8) Gary
Getting off track here guys. Selling bikes and using PayPal here
Lets say you are a bike collector. You Work at Burger King and you pay your income tax. Now you have an addiction to buying bikes. You spend 17,234.00 on bikes in 5 years. You buy them at Garage Sales and from other people. They sit in your garage and finally you decide to sell your collection, one at a time. Everyone pays you thru PayPal. You only get 10,001.00 for the entire collection. You even lose money paying Ebay fees. Swap meet fees and PayPal fees.
Then you get a 1099 from paypal. Wow Now you have to deal with the IRS who thinks you made money. Heck you lost money. But remember you only bought them at yard sales etc. You paid the income tax from your Burger King job years ago. There was no income here. This was your hobby and not a business for you.
Compare this to getting payments from Checks and cash. Instead of using paypal you go to the bank every friday night. you deposit the money into your account. After a year of selling your bike collection you have deposited a total of 10,001.00 into your bank to pay for what you need to use it for. The Bank does not give you a 1099 for the money you deposited. What is the difference?

Now please dont tell about keeping records. You bought them at yard sales. It is not a Business. Dont tell me that this person was a bad bike investor and bought high and sold low.
We are talking about a situation where you are given a 1099 from PayPal for money you made at Burger King and used paypal as a way for people to pay you.
You are put in a corner and asked to pay taxes twice on the same money.

Then another situation.
Joe Buyer leaves with a 1952 Schwinn "pooper scooper" he pays you with PayPal and drives away. He goes home and finds out it is a 1952 "super pooper" instead. he then puts in a claim and gets the money back.
Ive had a problem with pay pal where the just took $100 out of my account and when asked why someone who made a transaction with me outside of ebay...so like a forum or personal payment...ripped someone off on ebay so what paypal did was took 100 from the last three transactions that person made having not to do with ebay! money gone! product gone! we payed back someone elses mistake...with that being said your way safer on ebay!
a few years ago i did a transaction like i do with a person here on the forum..not through ebay! that person stiffed someone on ebay...paypal then re took 100 dollars from three people that 1 person made transactions with that were not ebay transactions...so i sent my product to him and got payed...so did two other people...he ripped someone of on ebay by never sending there stuff so to resolve it paypal went back and took 100 from 3 people he had transactions with i was one of them...so i got screwed out of 100 and so did three other people i found out all to pay back 1 ebay member he stiffed...cause he did not have the money in his account to pay the guy back! so they took back money he sent to me and 3 other people...and i never got it back! so your not safe unless your on ebay!
jerrykr said:
I personally have had good luck with Paypal, buying and selling here and buying and selling on ebay.
Money orders are a pain for me, as I have to take it somewhere to get my money. The post office is not close by my house.

I think most people's bad experiences with paypal and craiglist are directly due to the people who they are dealing with, not the service.

One suggestion: I set up a seperate free bank account online at my bank that is strictly used for online buying and selling.
Paypal is tied to it. I would Never tie my family bank account to Paypal. I keep that account balance at $25.00.
If any money goes into it, I quickly move it to one of my other accounts. Paypal cannot get to more than $25.00.
Just a suggestion that has so far, worked for me.

I do the same thing and it werks great for me.
sounds like some of the story wasnt told ... whatever. :roll:
Ive had problems with getting my ebay account hijacked,twice. They did a good job of straightening it out. Paypal, at the same time helped me out, had me change some passwording. Ive been very busy with ebay, and paypal both. Good stories only. Ya hang with eagles....as the sayin goes. Never exceeded more than 5K spent or made in a year. I guess if I was a big time seller, I may be worried about 1099s, but not as of now. I will keep buying from paypal accepting people, and not from any other way, unless its local cash deals. Have a happy day,Turkeys!
Rat Rod said:
The Internet is the devil..stay away, hide your money in a sock.

This X11!

Personally I don't care how you wish to be paid. If I reach an agreement with you on the product or service and you don't deliver, I just got a new hobby. :D
I believe in the old ways, when everybody had their money in their pocket...right under the gun that kept it there.

For all those with credit cards...a huge reason i dont have one...call customer service (more than likely not located in this country) give them your credit card numbers, name, address, passwords, and since they are not in this country they could steal your identity and you would be out of luck. Would they even try to go after them?
outskirtscustoms said:
I believe in the old ways, when everybody had their money in their pocket...right under the gun that kept it there.

For all those with credit cards...a huge reason i dont have one...call customer service (more than likely not located in this country) give them your credit card numbers, name, address, passwords, and since they are not in this country they could steal your identity and you would be out of luck. Would they even try to go after them?

Thats crazy talk! how dare we question these people's freedom to a life of convenience!!! :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :lol: :lol:

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