why no Paypal?

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I don't NOT use credit cards because I'm scared of people trying to get me...I don't use them because I'm out to get me. :lol:
C'mon dudes!!!!
The Debil!!!!!!

If it wasn't for Al Gore's World Wide Web, hardly any of us would have known each other or found 80% of the bikes and parts we have.

Black Crown Tattoo said:
outskirtscustoms said:
I believe in the old ways, when everybody had their money in their pocket...right under the gun that kept it there.

For all those with credit cards...a huge reason i dont have one...call customer service (more than likely not located in this country) give them your credit card numbers, name, address, passwords, and since they are not in this country they could steal your identity and you would be out of luck. Would they even try to go after them?

Thats crazy talk! how dare we question these people's freedom to a life of convenience!!! :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :lol: :lol:

I don't mind them having a life of convenience, as long as I'm not paying for it. :lol: maybe I'm old fashion but if I don't have cash to buy something I don't buy it. My sister went $80,000 in debt with credit cards. They are nice for emergencies but also easy to get in trouble with them. I know if I had one I'd online shop for bike parts thinking... It's only $30...it's only $5... It's only $20... It's on sale...till I was dead broke.
outsider13 said:
I Don't, because I Don't want to... :shock: :shock: 8)
and I bet you sit on ur product way longer than most that DO.
I sold a 40's bicycle,in parts ,last december. Made 250 in less than 4 hours. PAID for and delivered to the post office, in less than 4 hours.Just saying. For a bike that I got for free.....in less than 4 hours....does that hit a nerve?I sold an additional 60 in parts within 2 more weeks,after I got te additional parts from the owner. Paypal rules, for us impulse buyers and sellers....I love it!
I use paypal several times a week on Ebay .I started messing with old bikes again last year,(tomorrow one year here) and if it was not for Paypal I would have never have been able to purchase all the bike stuff I have bought this last year ! I buy stuff from memebers here with Paypal and M/O's. I love to beat the bushes for stuff, but its way cool to set in my chair and find & buy parts I would never find and pay for without P/pal. As far as "send as gift" :roll: well thats nuts ! I've done it but I think it's kinda bad to ask some one to lie just to save a little money. I'll pay the stupid charge add it to the price its not going to kill the deal ! I'll buy it anyway and so would most other people . Great thread/topic :)
kingfish254 said:
If it wasn't for Al Gore's World Wide Web, hardly any of us would have known each other or found 80% of the bikes and parts we have.
Ahhh, that isn't true!
I met Karfer by going to college years ago when he worked there and I met the guy I get most of my prewar stuff from now by driving past his house years ago when he had a 54 dx and some other stuff for sale out front. He's a hard core resto guy and I'm happy to haul away his garbage for a pittance. :wink:
Oh. Wait. Why do I not have paypal? Well it got hacked into 5 or so years ago. They didn't get anything since I caught it that day but that was enough of that! When I sell stuff It's not that I need to. Its just overflow that I get rid of cheap(as anyone who has purchased from me knows) so if it doesn't sell I don't really care. Although I have sold and bought quite a bit and never had a problem with people waiting or me waiting the 2-3 days.Well, except for when I bought some grips from Double nickle and my son(who was 4 then took a money order and lost it!). So that one was all on me but he was great about it. :oops:
But then again. I am the guy who doesn't have a cell phone or a facebook account. Heck, I can barely even find the comma and shift key to capitalize what I type! :p

Stupid wire box thing!
See? I couldn't even find the preview button!
I do have a cell phone but only because I got offered an iPhone for a bike I had but I never answer it on the go because most things can wait till I get home. I don't believe in modern medicine either, every time you turn around there's a commercial saying "did you take (insert drug) and then have ( heart attack, stroke, death, exc) you may be entitled to money blah blah blah.

More people die in hospitals every year than in car accidents, nursing homes, and the ghetto combined. Give me 5 shots of jack, a bit of fishing line, and a needle and I'll sew it up myself and save a few grand...and have neater and more uniform stitches. I tell you doctors must have flunked home economics because they can't sew. I do better stitches left handed and drunk and have the scars to prove it! :lol:
Voyager Al said:
outsider13 said:
I Don't, because I Don't want to... :shock: :shock: 8)
and I bet you sit on ur product way longer than most that DO.
I sold a 40's bicycle,in parts ,last december. Made 250 in less than 4 hours. PAID for and delivered to the post office, in less than 4 hours.Just saying. For a bike that I got for free.....in less than 4 hours....does that hit a nerve?I sold an additional 60 in parts within 2 more weeks,after I got te additional parts from the owner. Paypal rules, for us impulse buyers and sellers....I love it!

Product??? If you are in it for the money, well then good for you, give you're self a cookie..
Hit a nerve?... why would you making money hit a nerve with me ?
NO, Outsider, I was trying to show the fact that I did it in 4 hours, not 4 days, cause of the Paypal. Geez.

Product??? If you are in it for the money, well then good for you, give you're self a cookie..
Hit a nerve?... why would you making money hit a nerve with me ?[/quote]
It's funny, after nearly 7 years of this site I can easily predict who will get sideways in conversations like these. :)

Moral of the story...everyone is different and we all have our reasons for what we do and don't do. ;)
Rat Rod said:
It's funny, after nearly 7 years of this site I can easily predict who will get sideways in conversations like these. :)

Moral of the story...everyone is different and we all have our reasons for what we do and don't do. ;)
:lol: Well it's not like it used to be, I remember a time where if you posted something funny there would instantly be a link to a youtube video....He got banned.

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