Will a 50's JC Higgins withstand the "200° epoxy cooking"?

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Jun 29, 2007
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Lille, France
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Hi all
I just wanted to know if anyone knows with what old 50's JC Higgins were welded as I plan to have it painted with epoxy, meaning it will go in an oven at 200° (celsius)
Thanks a lot
Hello BenG.....welcome

To answer your question yes it sould be fine I would do it ....but before we go any further I would ask if you could take the time and do an introduction of yourself to the gang here in the "intro" section! It would be best before any other posts!

thanks FW
i have to say that i will never powder coat anything, after doing 3 ground up restorations of 1960s bmw motorcycles. if you scratch it it can't be touched up, plus it looks 'plastic'. i hate it, but if you want it, it will not affect your frames integrity in any way to powder coat it. 200 degrees is nothing.
Thanks all
Well I thin I shall give it a miss as I was told it would need sandblasting beforehand and I have done that with the schwinn frame
(only the sandblasting) and was not impressed with it.
I have hand-cleaned my JC Higgins frame, I was after some Alsa but where I live, can't fin any around so I think I will just take it to a garage and have it painted in one of them funky metallic paint, that should do it
by the way there is my intro
as you will understand, I am now the proud owner of a JC Higgins frame (and what a frame!)
Thanks again
hey gary funny how you were talking about powdercoating today at the shop is this what brought that on? lol well yea your frame will be fine HOWEVER if you used any bondo on the frame i dont think that will stand the heat. but as long as it is stock go for it.
Hey Adam, and everybody else too, in my personal and professional opinion, powdercoat sucks. This thread and a situation at the Bike Kitchen have revived my opinion on powdercoat. I had nothing but trouble with it when I restored motorcycles, It gets where it's not supposed to, and it can not be touched up when needed. And in my stylistic opinion, it looks plastic and fake. Without starting a big controversy, I am merely stating my opinion, agree or not. I would much rather rattle can my stuff, but that's the genetic rat rodder in me.

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