WINTER (DEC 1st 2013- MARCH 1st 2014) build-off (summer in Aust) All Done! JOIN US NEXT YEAR!

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Nov 17, 2012
Reaction score
Broken Hill, Australia
There has been some talk about a mini build-off in the build-off 08 discussion thread to take place towards the end of the year (November-January?), when it is winter up there and summer down here in Aust, just thought I would move it here so as not to clutter up that thread with talks of other build-off's...

I am all for a b.o. that time of year as it means I wont have to drive 7,000 miles in order to be warm enough to work on a bike!

Personally I prefer to do builds from scratch, so would prefer an Anything Goes build-off, but if it ends up being Traditional rules I am o.k. with that too! So bring on the suggestions and expressions of interest and lets see if we can get something going!

I have a plan in mind to replace the "50 Years" muscle bike I built in a mini build-off and then sold, but now miss it, and also a "Her's" version of the same bike, a matched pair so to speak. (Maybe a 2 bike build-off could be a possible theme?)
If it is Traditional rules I am sure I can find something to work on... :wink:

Re: WINTER (north hemisphere) build-off? (summer in Aust)

I'm definitely game! I get super stir crazy in the winter here. 3 ft of snow will do that to a man. I think a paired build off would be fun. The little lady would definitely love a new ride for next spring! :lol:
Re: WINTER (north hemisphere) build-off? (summer in Aust)

I'm only on planning to build one. It will be anything goes but maybe we can keep it all in one until we get possibly 5 traditional and 5 anything goes.
Re: WINTER (north hemisphere) build-off? (summer in Aust)

I might be keen... since it will be summer here in New Zealand too.

I don't mind either way, traditional or anything goes... or even something between. :?

Not sure I have access to enough parts for a "two-for-the-price-of-one" deal though. Maybe it could be a bike and "something to go with it"... like a trailer or a sidecar.

Re: WINTER (north hemisphere) build-off? (summer in Aust)

This is looking good!
It wouldn't have to be 2 bikes MachineAV, was just an idea throwing around...
It would be interesting to see how a combined "Trad"-"A.goes" build-off would go! :D

Re: WINTER (north hemisphere) build-off? (summer in Aust)

I AM DOWN FOR A BUILD OFF MORE OF A Traditional person my self, was looking to start a build off challange and call it " Bicycle Wars" , I STARTED A thred but only have like 4 people down for it so far
Re: WINTER (north hemisphere) build-off? (summer in Aust)

I am still interested. Gets pretty boring here in the winter as I am a summer sports gal.

Re: WINTER (north hemisphere) build-off? (summer in Aust)

i'm for a winter time (Nov-jan) build off
my job is at its busiest exactly when the regular build off is happening
I still would like to throw in the idea of allowing entries that didn't get finished in the regular build off and letting them compete in an anything goes class
by the way i will see if i have enough leftover parts to enter something in the muscle bike build off you got happening in october
Re: WINTER (north hemisphere) build-off? (summer in Aust)

Fine by me to do the unfinished builds, be a great way to get them done! What does everyone else think?
More than welcome to join the Muscle Bike buildoff too MofSC, the more the merrier!

Re: WINTER (north hemisphere) build-off? (summer in Aust)

Been thinking, if we start this one on the 1st of December, we probably should make it a full three month build off, due to the Christmas-new year holidays and the need to replenish funds... Should we run December 1st till March 1st?

Re: WINTER (north hemisphere) build-off? (summer in Aust)

We can do that this year
but i think if we do this in the future it should be started in November
ending it in March only leaves 2 month untill the start of the regular build off
same reason it cant be started in october
nov-jan is right in the middle
you can count me in!maybe do a modified traditional? allow some frame changes kind of thing? will be great fun any way you look at it!!! the middle of our winter is great! below freezing tends to keep a guy indoors a lot, as for the 2fer I'm game to try. but side cars should count ( lots of building there) and maybe ground up and heavy frame modification trikes to.

you can count me in!maybe do a modified traditional? allow some frame changes kind of thing? will be great fun any way you look at it!!!

Sounds good Jats! The 2 for 1 idea fell kind of flat, so gave up on that but "Anything goes" vs "Traditional" is still on the table, even if we don't have a class competition, it will be going ahead. Probably just throw everyone in together, kind of "do what you want as long as it is rideable" deal! :wink:

I think we are up to 9 builders so far, still plenty of time for more to join!

I would only be able to do 1 of the buildoffs. This one allows me more freedom in design and parts and also a bit more time. So a December to March time frame and an anything goes criteria is great for me.


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