WINTER (DEC 1st 2013- MARCH 1st 2014) build-off (summer in Aust) All Done! JOIN US NEXT YEAR!

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LukeTheJoker said:
I think with these mini build-offs we are all meant to post in one thread... Unless a moderator can give us a forum topic to use, it does help to keep all the builds together... :?:

it would be cool less muddy and easier to follow individual bikes.if not thats cool 2 can't wait to start building!!

I enjoyed the conversations in the all in one topic approach of the last mini buildoff. I tend to be less vocal than others :) so my thread would be very boring for observers lol. It was fun the exchanges with other participants when they showed some progress.

My. 02 cents unadjusted for inflation:)

Finalized a cool design last night, other than the fab work, i only need to start collecting drive train components... This is gonna be a blast! Lots of tooling to make over the next couple of months:)

RichL said:
Lots of tooling to make over the next couple of months :)
:shock: Oh no, he is creating a monster! :lol:
Looking forward to seeing what you come up with Rich!

Started planning on my build too, hard to get too focused on the details as I am also doing the Muscle Bike Build-off starting in just 3 weeks and have a completely different style of bike planned for that... So far I am going through my wheels and tires and looking at lots of photos for inspiration but have only done two digital mock ups for this build-off, if my usual amount of mock-up's is anything to go by, I still have a long way to go! The muscle bike has three paper mock-ups and is up to the 5th version of the digital mock up, already changed design a few times but it is pretty much set now! :D

LukeTheJoker said:
RichL said:
Lots of tooling to make over the next couple of months :)
:shock: Oh no, he is creating a monster! :lol:
Looking forward to seeing what you come up with Rich!

Started planning on my build too, hard to get too focused on the details as I am also doing the Muscle Bike Build-off starting in just 3 weeks and have a completely different style of bike planned for that... So far I am going through my wheels and tires and looking at lots of photos for inspiration but have only done two digital mock ups for this build-off, if my usual amount of mock-up's is anything to go by, I still have a long way to go! The muscle bike has three paper mock-ups and is up to the 5th version of the digital mock up, already changed design a few times but it is pretty much set now! :D

I'm starting to figure out how to build the jig I will need for this build!! and am pulling parts and etc.

LukeTheJoker said:
Finally starting to warm up enough here to work on bikes! Getting excited about these coming build-offs!

cooling off here! it will be interesting doing a build this winter! I weld outside! and there could be snow :D :D
I have to say, I have this bike all planned and worked out but the muscle bike build off that I am working on at the moment is all up in the air! Think I got things a bit out of order!!! :lol:

Just to save confusion down the track, (We had a little on the Muscle Bike build.) I figured I will add this here:

All builds for this build-off must be built between Dec 1st 2013 and Mar 1st 2014, and must have a build thread showing the work happening as it happens to be part of the build-off. You can't just show pictures of your finished bike and expect to be included.

Small modifications or repairs that have happened in the past to frames or components are allowed, provided they were not done specifically for this build-off.

If there are builders who would like to use this build-off to finish bikes that were started but not finished in previous build-offs, please post a message here to that effect, if we get enough maybe we can run those builds as a separate class.

I know all that is well known to most forum members, but just wanted to make it official for any newer members or others who did not yet know.

Looking forward to the builds everybody! :D

I am really looking forward this build off
since i will not be able to enter the muscle bike build off like i had hoped
plus i just found a set of wheels as well as a seat that i can use for my projet
OK so I have a build going in the Muscle Bike Competition... and I'm a new guy here... So whats the difference between an "Anything Goes" (which is what I'm guessing the Muscle bike build is...) and a "Traditional" build? Cuz I still have a raggedy Hawthorne hanging in my garage... and I'm probably "in"... hehe.
Taken directly from the build-off 08 rules:

1. You can only enter one bike in the build off (can change bikes once if needed)
2. Start a new post and use the bike name as the post "Subject/Title." Keep a running journal in your thread about your build.
3. Must use a factory production altering of original frame except for grinding off fender/chainguard tabs or shortening seat tube.
4. Bike must not already be built.
5. Must include before, progress, and finished photos (all in one thread please)
6. Bike must be ridable.
7. Use any bolt on parts you like.
8. Paint must be applied by builder, no powder coating...pinstripping by someone else is acceptable.
9. Don't ask a bunch of goofy questions trying to get around the rules...just build a cool bike and have fun.

1. You can only enter one bike in the build off (can change bikes once if needed)
2. Start a new post and use the bike name as the post "Subject/Title." Keep a running journal in your thread about your build.
3. Bike must not already be built.
4. If you are building a custom frame, frame must be built by the forum member (this includes welding and fabrication).
5. Must include progress and finished photos (all in one thread please)
6. Bike must be ridable.

Looks like we are getting plenty of interest in both Traditional and Anything Goes for this build-off so we might be able to run the 2 side by side...

For more builders incentive, I will offer up two of these stickers as prizes for first place, the perfect way to finish up a winning bike:


A good match to your Chucks if you have them: :wink:


im new here so i had a question about the rules. are you allowed to start with a complete bike and start from there? or are you supposed to use just parts and start from scratch. i dont have a bike to use yet but I've had a build in mind and have been looking to buy a complete stock bike and start from there since i dont have an abundance of parts laying around and dont want to cut up my cruiser. my build would fall into the anything goes category.
Yep, that is fine, the "not already built rule" is more that you can't enter a bike built previously without pulling it apart and making changes...
It is to prevent someone entering who has spent the last 3 years or whatever building and perfecting their bike, from entering and having an unfair advantage over those building only within the build-off time limit. :wink:

I'm in I have an old J C Higgins hagning in the shop just itchin to be built traditional or as close as I can get it. Guess I better start looking for the parts I'm missing.

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