Wish it was mine...~~ Vintage Pedal Cab ~~

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Oh. And I'm also assuming its a replica. Especially as its brand new and priced that same as what you'd expect to pay for any Chinese/Taiwanese made, generic brand bike.
yoothgeye said:
You sure it's fixed? My trike axle has a freewheel and it looks like that, maybe I need a bigger photo, but looks to have bearings in it.

You are right :oops: :oops:

Went by tonight gave the crank a good kick backwards and it spins freely, Chain must of been rusted :roll: :roll:
think I will leave a note tomorrow

yup that's darren. Alex bought the bikes but since he doesn't have a car (i think) he needed some assistance.
Hey Skipton,
Hope you get in contact with the owner
Thought you might get a kick out of this new Mpls CL listing :lol:
three wheel tandum - $150 (mpls)
http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/hnp/b ... 65949.html

Also saw this guy on the Mississippi River Road

He not only had the one trailer shown but a second extension ladder trailer too!
outskirtscustoms said:
yoothgeye said:
This is for sale in Richmond Virginia for $225, that price is pretty good for a pedal cab:


That is awesome. I'd enclose it and make a kinda C-cab looking bicycle. Just for those rainy days when I still want to ride.

...to keep your "literally 24 cases of beer" dry :lol:
or maybe a theme pedal cab
Every once in a while, I've seen some sort of old pedicab pop up on Craigslist. Sometimes that style, sometimes, the rider-in-back style.

Some things to consider. They're usually single-speed, so you're pretty well limited to flat land. They're made in China or some other faraway place, possibly using old British-dimensioned components, so if you need any new parts for them, you may be hard put to come up with them. Also consider braking, which can be downright hazardous if inadequate. The ones I've seen sold for $400-$600 or so, not bad if you have any use for them, but I don't.
KJV said:
whats the latest scoop on this deal ?

The latest scoop is I realized I just would not have anywhere to store it.

Let alone work on it. I live in a Two flat apartment building, I use the basement as my bike shop but do not have a garage.

This thing would never fit down my steps. :shock:

Which is probably the same reasons someone has it locked to a light pole right now.



Basically I chickened out I leaving a note. :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:


That thing is COOL! thanks for posting it!
one of my friends has one, he said his is Vietnamese....it has a cool canopy too.. he wants to motorize it and drive his wife around town....It would be a fun barhopper!
My Harley is in a friends garage so I have room for mine. I was renting two garages for a while but had to cut some costs. So I sold off over 20 bikes and got rid of one garage but the pedicab had to stay for now. If I sold it before I never at least got it running to drive it around I would always be mad about it. Im going to try it for a while even with the storage issues, if it becomes too much of a pain in the youknowwhat, then I will sell it. These things are huge. Im looking forward to driving my mother in law around next month and my mom comes to visit again in May, She'll get chofferred around as well.

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