xXx"In Cash We Rust"xXx *Paint 6/29*

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Re: xXx"In Cash We Rust"xXx

im hoping...but even if they dont the original tires on the bike had a seam where they wraped around and I guess glued them on or wired them together maybe(was a wire insided the tire) im thinking I can jsut get some really good gle and cut it carefully to fit and hope it works.
Re: xXx"In Cash We Rust"xXx

thanks for the info...hopefully this guy will email me back about this tricycle and I can pick it up and see if I can make that work...its only $10 so if I cant use the tires off of it hopefully the fender will work and some of the other parts might come in handy. That is def an alternative if I don't have any luck though and I think im going to stop by northern tool tomorrow and see if they have anything like that so I wouldn't have to deal with shipping.
Re: xXx"In Cash We Rust"xXx

:-/ the guy never e-mailed me back his address so no parts trike yet. I am visiting my mom for a couple days, spent 11 hours yesterday tearing apart her rotting shower yesterday and rebuilding it for mothers day. I have never done any tile work before so it was interesting to say the least but it came out acceptable. Waiting till tomorrow to grout and ill be ready to head back home and get back to work on the trike.
Re: xXx"In Cash We Rust"xXx

You know the old solid tires that were on bicycles before pneumatics came into use? They came in a big roll and you cut them to length, then a wire runs through the center of them and is twisted or connected where the two ends of the tire meet and that keeps the tire on the rim. Maybe you could get some thick walled rubber hose and run a wire through the center to create a new tire. Since its a small tricycle the load should be very small and the tire probably isn't very likely to come off at such low speeds. Even if its only temporary. Just a thought.
Re: xXx"In Cash We Rust"xXx

hmmm thanks for the suggestion...and yeah it looks like these tires were made that way because when I pulled the front one off that was all torn up it did have a seam and a wire band on the inside.
Re: xXx"In Cash We Rust"xXx

TommyTwoTime said:
Heres a novel idea. Try making them outta wood. That'd be different.

yeah! that could be cool, with an outer rim of steel like the old wagons of the West used to have. Wait! If you find rubber rings that are slightly larger, maybe you can enlarge the wheels with wood or another type of material. Because of it's size you have different choices to make building this 'bike'. Good for creativity and inspiration, for all of us.

Good luck.
Re: xXx"In Cash We Rust"xXx

awesome! i like the original pink chipped paint. would look good with a thin matt stencilled design on it somewhere... some flames or something
Re: xXx"In Cash We Rust"xXx

Thanks for all of the advice everyone...heres a little update...
-Tonight I found a new hatred for rust....after an hour of struggling with the front fork and one of the bolts on the seat I gave up my efforts and brought out my fancy do-it-all rotozip to make quick work of the headache....


-So due to the carnage I really do need a donor tricycle now which luckily two more popped up on craigslist today so hopefully one of them will play out and im just crossing my fingers that everything will match up.
-Among the many other problems im having, the seatpost was way crooked and increadibly rusty...everything has been soaking in pb for quite some time now...after no luck wiggling it loose with some good channelocks I took out the old trusty hammer and straightened it out..........but..........heres what happened...
n714576954_3062634_5860005.jpg now I get to do some repair welding on the frame as well...that won't disqualify me from the build off will it? exhausted...its after 3AM...time to try and go to sleep.
Re: xXx"In Cash We Rust"xXx

I'm sorry to hear that... With all the problems you have with your build I would've start wondering if it's the right base for the build-off. Then again, maybe you could be more of a die-hard than I am... I'd say: Do what YOU want to do with it. Even if it means disqualifying. The mayority of people around here are a cool bunch. Not small minded at all. I think you're even allowd to shave off the entire seatpost, weld the hole shut, and mount the seat anywhere you want. It doesn't alter the factory shape of the frame. Besides, we must not take this build-off too seriously. Who cares about disquallification. IMO, the main thing is to build a custom-bike that suits your taste, and try to do it mostly yourself, and try to do it on a budget. (But if you think, a 1000 bucks paintjob is the way to go: Do it! ...or call it 'done' just before the paintjob and don't tell us about it till after the deadline)

Good luck.
Re: xXx"In Cash We Rust"xXx

weld it that is the "seat post tube" on a big bike so have at it. as for your tire issues we just did a set of wheels for an old baby carriage. we used thick large gauge fuel line and ran a piece of wire through then where the ends met twist the wire together cut the extra off and shove it inside. it worked great and even though the owner said it was more for display he said it works great out and about as well
Re: xXx"In Cash We Rust"xXx

So I finally ran across a tricycle at a garage sale and it was only $4 so I figured id give it a shot...

I am still going to keep my eyes open for one with a 12" front wheel and larger rear wheels that might work alot better or I might be able to keep the original wheels and use the tires off of but I was tired of waiting so heres what ive done so far.................

I found that the rear wheels that came with my g-sale trike were broken and really just too small and I had found a lawn mower in the trash awhile back so thought id experiment and I kind of like it...they work pretty nicely and I like the looks even. I did end up using the rear wheels from the g-sale trike and cutting out part of the centers to use as spacers and the trike is now is still in pieces right now for sanding/paint/apholstery but its functional.

-the more I look at it with the lawn mower wheels the more I like it, still want a bigger front wheel but im happy so far.... the mo rat the mo better right? :mrgreen:
Re: xXx"In Cash We Rust"xXx *Update 5/31*

so am I crazy for thinking this thing looks kind of cool with the mower wheels or does anyone else like it?
Re: xXx"In Cash We Rust"xXx *Update 5/31*

I agree. I don't like the color but love the dished shape of the mowerwheels. I hope you'll find a bigger frontwheel to match.
Re: xXx"In Cash We Rust"xXx *Update 5/31*

yeah I deff want to try and find a bigger frontwheel and the color of the trike is going to change but ill keep that under wraps until its done.

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