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Oh, I restored the Kawasaki decal with black striping tape & a magic marker. Looks pretty good ya think?
Sorry Bout The Tires But, I Can't Stop Riding It Enough To Clean'em.. lol

I used a stem bolt & fuel line hose as bushings to mount the seat shocks.

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Coming Soon...

I know... I don't have Motomags but,

It's cooler than the 5 spoke Weston I was installing.

"If you're allready breaking the rules, break'em all"
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Liberty: The right and power to act, believe, or express oneself in a manner of one's own choosing.
Some may be bothered by the modifications that I have made and, are making to these vintage Old School BMX Bikes..

I would just like to take the time to say that, I am reliving my childhood thru the Yamaha. By restoring it to the state that it was in, when I rode & jumped it in the 1970's.

I also am living in my present & future. By customizing the Kawasaki. A bike that I hated as a child. With the leftover parts from the Yamaha. And, I must say that I like it much better than any of the above mentioned bicycles.

Because, "I can ride it!"

Neither of the two bikes frames have been cut and or altered in anyway. And, could be restored to their original factory state. But, probly never will be.. For, "I like them this way"

Sorry if they still bother you but, they are mine...
I posted the above statement for very few members are interacting with me.. Although, I am very greatfull that no one is attacking my person. But, it is kinda lonely, so I will be completing the Toxic Kawasaki in a few weeks. Posting some better pics of it and, moving on to something else...

I think your bike looks Bishn.!!!
Ride it like you stoled it.!!!

I did steal it ! Only $400 total. After selling the Wheels, Tires, and Seat. The Chainguard is on eBay now... "Oh, No He Did'nt" lol ! I had most of the parts allready and, stole some off of the Yamaha.
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