Well.. Everything seems to be comming up roses here..
Won't be adding any new pics until my tomatos get some height and, some red ripe homegrown tomatos on them.
"Will make a great background for my Kawasaki"
And, the finishing touch to this fun filled thread !
"Thanks Luke"
Good buy at $25 in that condition. I like the front fork, tires, and pedals you changed to. The banana seat sure makes it look different.
I have a black and yellow XR-75. Like you I don't like the stock stretched out arms or slumped forward riding position. After a short time it's painful and I'm a light weight dude. Guess I'm just getting old. Anyhow I changed the bars to some old school department store BMX types but haven't rode it since the swap because I need to switch from the knobby tires to slicker treads like you did.
That is a great looking seat and that is coming from a person that is not a fan of banana seats. It actually matches the bike fine as is IMHO but if you can pull off a silver glitter paint job like the seat it would probably look awesome. Bear in mind I can't color coordinate or color match stuff worth a darn anymore. Therefore getting other peoples opinion would be highly advisable.
Every thread gets more views than comments but yours has definitely got more views than 99% of them do here. People that are into the smaller sized bikes is a much smaller group on this site it seems. I don't post much on smaller bikes threads because I don't collect them, restore them, or ride them.