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I'd like to say, "Farewell to a time when kids were men". It's really been fun reliving all of the good times. But, sadly there's not enough comments being left on this 'highly' viewed thread. For me to be monitoring it as much as I have while building it.
I'll still check in on it from time to time... See Ya! Steve :cool2:
"SILENCED" July 31, 2015, Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA. Roderick George Toombs, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, Died...
I saw the news of his passing yesterday. As a child I watched him and the others of the WWF back in the 80's every Saturday morning. So many of them are gone now. :(
I saw the news of his passing yesterday. As a child I watched him and the others of the WWF back in the 80's every Saturday morning. So many of them are gone now. :(

"I'm Still Here" *Stevie*StarMan*

Yep... "That's Me" Now Retired
I remembered you mentioning in the past that you were a retired wrestler. If you don't mind me asking what time period did you wrestle and with what organizations?

"It was the early 2000's"

Working for a local Federation that, I wish not to be affiliated with. For, a scandal involving minors and the owner. I retired from a back injury. Caused by being tossed over the top rope by a rookie, unprepared to land on my back. Although, I have been working out & dieting. And, have gone from 310 to 250 pounds in the past three months! I may or may not return? As, I will be turning 54 on August 31st. "Only The Future Knows" Maybe as a Trainer? I tend to hurt Wrestlers...
From me being too realistic and rough in the Ring.

"They Don't Like That Too Much"
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"It was the early 2000's"

Working for a local Federation that, I wish not to be affiliated with. For, a scandal involving minors and the owner. I retired from a back injury. Caused by being tossed over the top rope by a rookie, unprepared to land on my back. Although, I have been working out & dieting. And, have gone from 310 to 250 pounds in the past three months! I may or may not return? As, I will be turning 54 on August 31st. "Only The Future Knows" Maybe as a Trainer? I tend to hurt Wrestlers...
From me being too realistic and rough in the Ring.

"They Don't Like That Too Much"

No problem. Many of us have inadvertently worked for a organization or company that later we would rather forget/not be associated with.

Ouch, I understand injury is quite common int he sport. Sorry to hear about your back injury. Congrats on the weight loss. That is really great. Keep it up, I'm sure your overall health will greatly improve with the continued working out and diet.
No problem. Many of us have inadvertently worked for a organization or company that later we would rather forget/not be associated with.

Ouch, I understand injury is quite common int he sport. Sorry to hear about your back injury. Congrats on the weight loss. That is really great. Keep it up, I'm sure your overall health will greatly improve with the continued working out and diet.

Thanks Nagant, When I say "Pro Wrestler". Most people think WWE or TNA. *Think* flyers that you see stapled to telephone poles, or taped to store windows. *Wrestling This Saturday* at your local Fire Department, Bingo Hall, and or Moose Lodge. A person's gotta start somewhere... ALL WRESTLERS that you watch on TV today started in small organizations. Example, The Hardy Brothers Jeff & Matt came from My area. And, still live nearby Me in North Carolina. You have never seen Me on television, and You will not find *Stevie*StarMan* using any internet search engine. I did'nt get that far, but I came pretty close... Steve
I've got a '76 Yamaha Moto-Bike myself.
I've also got a '79 Mongoose that I've owned since about '81. Back in the day, I customized it to my liking. I painted the frame gloss black, got black Tuff Wheels, blue gumwall Snake Bellys, and blue everything else.
I've kept it all this time and recently started restoring it, but not to original, to the way I had it. I feel it's just as "legit" because all the aftermarket parts on it are from the bike's era.
Most people's dilemma is whether to restore to stock or to how they had it, like your awesome "Yamasaki" jump bike.
I've got a new dilemma.
I'm starting to want to restore my bike to how I'd like it now, instead of how I had it.
I got a set of Motomags for it (that I'm giving a full polish) because that's what I really always wanted, and I am thinking of candy blue powdercoat instead of my rattle can gloss black.
It's still my original high school bike, even if I change the color and change the wheels, right?

P.S. Holy cow I can't believe how much money a nice '79 Goose with Motomags is worth now!! Too bad I can't ever sell this one!
The Yamaha... I'm less attached to it, the prices I've seen are pretty tempting!
It's stock and compare to the reflectors, minus the chain guard.
I've got a '76 Yamaha Moto-Bike myself.
I've also got a '79 Mongoose that I've owned since about '81. Back in the day, I customized it to my liking. I painted the frame gloss black, got black Tuff Wheels, blue gumwall Snake Bellys, and blue everything else.
I've kept it all this time and recently started restoring it, but not to original, to the way I had it. I feel it's just as "legit" because all the aftermarket parts on it are from the bike's era.
Most people's dilemma is whether to restore to stock or to how they had it, like your awesome "Yamasaki" jump bike.
I've got a new dilemma.
I'm starting to want to restore my bike to how I'd like it now, instead of how I had it.
I got a set of Motomags for it (that I'm giving a full polish) because that's what I really always wanted, and I am thinking of candy blue powdercoat instead of my rattle can gloss black.
It's still my original high school bike, even if I change the color and change the wheels, right?

P.S. Holy cow I can't believe how much money a nice '79 Goose with Motomags is worth now!! Too bad I can't ever sell this one!
The Yamaha... I'm less attached to it, the prices I've seen are pretty tempting!
It's stock and compare to the reflectors, minus the chain guard.

Joe you are a breath of fresh air compared to all the "Debbie Downers" & "Shunners" on this and, or any vintage BMX Bike Site. Even after these bikes have been restored. They're never worth more than a about $1000.00. Very Low End. I say do as you like and, Thumb your nose at all the Critics & Purists. "Yes I Said It".
As far as the paint and wheels are concerned. If it's mechanically similar to your original jumper. It's close enough... I would have to hacksaw the rear U bar off to make mine an exact repro. And, "I sure as heck ain't gonna do that". I also know that it Would and Will out distance jump "Any & All" BMX Bikes from that Era. "Without Splatting" Been there done that... "Nuff Said"

"Here is what my Yamaha Jumper looks like now"

I Call It My *Yamasaki*

"Political Correctness Is Not One Of My Better Attributes"

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This is just the same thing hot rod car guys do. We take an old body style that's cool and modify it to our liking.
No reason you can't do it with an old bike.
I plan on building a rat rod bike sometime (when I'm the one who stumbles across a cool early bike, instead of paying whoever else stumbled on it!) with a real vintage frame, but pretty much nothing else original.
Your Yamasaki and Kawaha are super cool.
At one point I had a 428 Ford in my garage that I considered putting into the '55 Chevy in my avatar, just to freak out the "correct" crowd!
This is just the same thing hot rod car guys do. We take an old body style that's cool and modify it to our liking.
No reason you can't do it with an old bike.
I plan on building a rat rod bike sometime (when I'm the one who stumbles across a cool early bike, instead of paying whoever else stumbled on it!) with a real vintage frame, but pretty much nothing else original.
Your Yamasaki and Kawaha are super cool.
At one point I had a 428 Ford in my garage that I considered putting into the '55 Chevy in my avatar, just to freak out the "correct" crowd!

That's Funny... I always wanted to put a 455 Buick in a Purple AMC PACER lol ! No, "Really I Do" ha-ha !

I'd like to see one of those guys kids jump their bone stock Yamaha Moto-Bike over 35 feet. And, live to tell about it. I'm bi-polar not suicidal...lol. Those bikes were designed for roundy rounders. And, they were too heavy even for that. The Yamaha's had to be highly modified to be rode by *Daredevils* like Me.

"My Bike Pictured Above Is Well Up To The Task"

And, "My Kawasaki Is No Slouch Either"... Amen
I've had the Yamaha since about 1990. I came across it and knew what it was, I remembered a friend having one when it was new, I got it for nothing. I've ridden it only once or twice, truth is it's a crappy bike in stock form. I only have it because it's cool.
Anyone who doesn't like your modified one probably hasn't ridden a stocker!!
I've had the Yamaha since about 1990. I came across it and knew what it was, I remembered a friend having one when it was new, I got it for nothing. I've ridden it only once or twice, truth is it's a crappy bike in stock form. I only have it because it's cool.
Anyone who doesn't like your modified one probably hasn't ridden a stocker!!

Ride It ? "Oh My Heavens No" Is You Crazy ?

Prop it in da corner or hang it from da ceiling.

Ha-Ha... "I Ride Mine Every Chance I Get To"

If I Was Jockey Size, I'd Still Be Jumping Them.
A long time ago Hot Rod Magazine defined a hot rod as "A vehicle modified by its owner for better looks or performance".
Your bikes are hot rods.
This site is "RAT ROD Bikes.com" and of course, Rat Rods are just a sub-culture of Hot Rods, usually even MORE chopped up. This isn't "Concours Restored Stock Bikes.com".
No one here should ever give you any grief about your non-stock, hot-rodded old bikes.
A long time ago Hot Rod Magazine defined a hot rod as "A vehicle modified by its owner for better looks or performance".
Your bikes are hot rods.
This site is "RAT ROD Bikes.com" and of course, Rat Rods are just a sub-culture of Hot Rods, usually even MORE chopped up. This isn't "Concours Restored Stock Bikes.com".
No one here should ever give you any grief about your non-stock, hot-rodded old bikes.

I could'nt agree more but,
"I've had plenty removed"
On this thread many times
Sorry but, "I Can No Longer Log Into My Old roddy*piper Account". Because of forgotten email issues... Humungus is now my RatRodBikes membership name. "It's still me Steve". I used my first name Harold to create my new Humungus membership.
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