Yes out of the dumpster it came !

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Nov 6, 2008
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Here is a Brand new 2007 Fuji never ridden..and yes it did come out of the dumpster..(It's a long story)
I need to go find my Dog and bring him in so I can run out..I will tell the story later...No joke. :lol: .check out thr Iron horse I posted too. :wink:
dude that thing is mint!!! nice find man!!! u gotta tell us the story! id flip some bars over and ride the crap outta that sucker!

Easy E
OK...Here is the deal..I moved a few towns over to a house on a lake in a private neighborhood about 7 years ago.Moving to a new town with 2 kids I started going to the LBS to buy local.I became friends with the owner buying my supplies from him.
The Stingray RE POPS came in and I stooped by to look at them..but they went quick I asked him to get me a green pea picker sight unseen and no deposit.....I gave him my cell # and told him don't build it keep it in the box and I will build it with our younger son..Well he call me to come get it on a hot summer day so on my way home I stop in and it's built ..OK so I hop on it and start pedaling around the showroom and start to give it the once over....What a piece of $Hi.. junk it was .I'm sitting on the bike and he asks me don't look to happy.I said what a piece of junk but .....I told you to order it for me and I would pay you Cash when it came I reach into my pocket pull out some cash and tell him "I don't need a Reciept"..He tells me don't take it if you will be unhappy..I said I'm all ready unhappy but I don't want to stick you with it..He says no problem he would be able to sell it with in a week..I said call my cell if you have any problems selling it and I will come back in and buy it..we shake hands and I leave about a week later he calls ..It's gone I say great see ya soon for some bike goods..Well a few years go bye and a bad economy he decides to close..

Oh this is how the bikes ended up into the dumpster..
My buddy was selling off all of what he could move and make money on fast and had a few of these Fuji's built but the were not selling so he started to Part them out..
I started to help clean up the shop since I don't work winters..We cleaned out 2 attics and a double bay of bikes .
I saved a few for me but I am running out of storage space so I gave quit a few away..We filled up a roll away with bikes that had been sitting for a while..But be for I got their he started to fill up the dumpster he said jump in and take what you want be for I start to fill it up. Good thin I drove my GMC extended van that day and it was empty... Oh the Fuji Frame was tossed in a few days later but I found ever part on that bike in their.! even touch up paint.

The best part is all of the junk bikes we tossed in to the container were gone over the week end..
I ended up with a ton of stuff..all good to ..Oh a Park 2 bike stand chrome pro model.? :shock: