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  1. Half Link

    Led-Sled Sidecar Project

    Here is the latest update on the Led-Sled Sidecar Project. I have finished the outer shell with two layers of fiberglass cloth that I picked up at the lhs. I have sanded it all down and much to my surprise I will be saving some money on body filler. :mrgreen: My next step is to pill...
  2. Half Link

    Led-Sled Sidecar Project

    I have been eyeballing many sidecars over the last year or so and the WWII bike and sidecar would have been my #1 choice but I couldn't do it with this bike. You have very great taste my friend!! Hopefully my build might help you on yours! Make sure you keep us updated!!
  3. Half Link

    Led-Sled Sidecar Project

    This is the setup that I have been using but with the added weight I might have to bump up the pads a size or three :shock: All kiddng aside I will be adding brakes after all of this other stuff is done.
  4. Half Link

    Led-Sled Sidecar Project

    I have been thinking for a very long time of adding a sidecar to my bike. In fact when I started putting this bike project together I ordered a third wheel thinking that one day I would eventually use it for this purpose. I think the day has finally come!! I have come up with an overall look...
  5. Half Link

    The Mini Pink Safari

    It has!! How about a sidecar for my son! :mrgreen: Great Job Bro! You gotta post some pic's on your ride soon! :shock:
  6. Half Link

    The Mini Pink Safari

    That look's really good! Your right on with that old school look. 8) Can't wait to see how the chain guard looks!
  7. Half Link

    The Mini Pink Safari

    I really like that look!!! You have my vote Bro!! Hope that doen't make Momm'a mad. :shock:
  8. Half Link

    The Mini Pink Safari

    Just in....... PETA Approves!! :lol: :lol: :lol: Looking pretty sweet bro! I can see here in the future you are going to have one very happy little girl! Can't wait to see what's next!
  9. Half Link

    The Mini Pink Safari

    Looking Good Bro!! Can't wait to see what you do with this one. 8) Later!! Half Link
  10. Half Link


    Re: Tailgater BBQ trailer Are you slap’n down the tri-tip with out me! Shame on you! Were are the pictures of the cooked tri-tip? :shock: Gotta see some ride’n down the road pic’s with lot’s of smoke!!!! I’m only about 30 minutes of pedaling time from you so the meat should be good to go by...
  11. Half Link

    Hello from the Central Coast!

    Hello and Welcome from Fresno!! :)
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    New guy, Central Cal.

    One more Welcome from the Central Cali Cruisers bunch! Can't wait to see some pic's. :)
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    Welcome aboard....and enjoy the ride!
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    New Member From California

    Hello and Welcome from the Central Valley!
  15. Half Link

    Silver "Kween"

    Hat's Off Bro! It turned out cherry!! 8)
  16. Half Link

    BLACK WICKED is done

    Re: BLACK WICKED Hey OUTLAW, Just dont over do it. Remember it's health first bikes later!! If you need time to recover order from my local bike store.......that'll give you several weeks to recuperate! :lol: Take care my friend!!
  17. Half Link

    Central Cali Cruisers Ice Cream Social Ride

    Hey all Central Cali Cruisers!! Can't wait to see you all there on Saturday night. This time I will bring a camera! Later, Half Link :D
  18. Half Link

    Just an intro

    Love your ride! 8) Welcome!
  19. Half Link

    Me and my Bike

    Sweet Ride!! Welcome, and Thank You For Serving Our Country!!! 8)
  20. Half Link

    Silver "Kween"

    Hey Kota, would you say that your in a "Pickle" on the paint? :lol: Wow?.....If your looking for ideas may be some silver metal flake to match the seat with some pink oops!....Watermelon pinstripes? Like Sensor..just thinking out loud. Can't wait to see what you end up doing!!