Beautiful bike! I am truly, truly impressed!
I'm in the middle of my first build and am going to begin painting soon. I've looked through most of the how-to's on repainting frames but the paint on your project is nearly perfect. Would you mind giving a run-down of how you did it? I saw in one of the original posts that you had the parts sandblasted. I'm down to bare metal myself and am at the degrease/clean/prep stage to get things ready for primer.
-What type of primer did you use?
-How many coats?
-Did you use special automotive rattle-can paint or did you get by with standard Home Depot spray cans? Two coats? Three coats? I picked up a couple cheaper Valspar cans from Lowes this morning... Hoping they produce some nice results.
-What type of clear coat did you use? Where did you find it and ultimately how many coats did the frame need?
Thanks in advance for helping out this newb and the potential others that are wondering the same type of things.
Again- really impressed with your work!