The Mini Pink Safari

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Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
Rating - 0%
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Hey all, this is my first vintage build which is for my 4yr old daughter. I have no idea what it is but the guy I got it from said it might be a Monarch Rocket but i kind of doubt it. I found a similar bike which was a Murray, so I'm thinking more in the lines of that. My daughter loves pink and zebra print so that led the theme of the bike. Anyhow enjoy the picts and the progression this thing is making.






After having all parts sandblasted it made for easy painting.




I cut off the non threaded stem and had a treaded one welded on so I'm able to use a more modern style stem and handle bar.
This is going to be cool. Love how you welded the threaded section on to the fork... definitely turning this into a real bike, and something that's worthy of being passed on to another generation.
i know this doesnt help much but the forks look like the murray made ones for kids bikes/trikes
anyhow....i know shes gonna love it and theres no better feeling than building a bike for your child
Thanks everyone for your most kind thoughts. Thanks to Halflink for the weld job on the fork. I absolutely hate waiting for paint to dry. :cry:
Heres the latest. Still working on the fenders and chainguard. The chaingaurd needs some slight mods due to the size of the sproket. Pulled the handlebars and stem off my sons stock electra 20" rat rod and put them on this. I like the look so far so I'm going to paint them today. My sons 20" now has ape hangers which looks so cool.


This is the start as to why the name includes "Safari". I masked these off this morning and will be painting the open areas black like a zebra. Get where I'm going with this? These are just the beginning.





I will quote a very good friend of mine by saying, "NO ANIMALS OF ANY KIND WERE HARMED IN THE MAKING OF THIS BIKE" :mrgreen:
can't wait to see the finished build. thats gonna be one sweet little ride. even if it is pink. :lol:
Very nice! I like the way your going to paint the fenders, cant wait to see how it turns out.

Your bike looks like a 16" version of a Murray I built my girlfriend last year

are you using Krylon Watermelon?

Now all the fenders need is 4 or 5 coats of clear and.... presto! Waiting on parts to finish this little thing off.


Just in....... PETA Approves!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Looking pretty sweet bro! I can see here in the future you are going to have one very happy little girl! Can't wait to see what's next!
legburner said:
I will quote a very good friend of mine by saying, "NO ANIMALS OF ANY KIND WERE HARMED IN THE MAKING OF THIS BIKE" :mrgreen:
No, but considerable amounts of painters tape were! Look at all that tape torn to shreds! :shock:

lol, looks awesome! She's gonna love it.