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Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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  1. M

    Bicycle Trading Cards

    did u guys ever decide if ur gonn sell sets of these ? :D
  2. M

    8th Annual Midwest Bicycle Fest (Video Added)

    what an awsome lookin fun time!!!! wish we could have something half that cool up here ..!!! u guys do a great job kudos !!!!
  3. M


    oh yes i wanna make this show again .,...
  4. M

    ABS frame ..humm!?

    duck tape ... :mrgreen:
  5. M

    Robinson Rebel Rebuild FINISHED!!!

    Re: Robinson Rebel Rebuild UPDATE PICS!!! looks pretty cool !!!
  6. M


    i like em 2 but ...can we get one long sleeve one short sleeve ...mayb a tye-dye cross between grey black n brown ..and a logo on front and back .. :D seriuos tho ..u do make some killer shirts ...i so wish i was a normal size person so i could buy some ...LOL
  7. M

    Storage building

    u lucky dog ....i only wish about a shed ..of anysize !!! thats a cool bike shed my friend !!!!
  8. M

    Where to find best deal on 3 speed wheelset

    idz-chuck always has good wheel sets fr sale !!! i bought a real nice nexus 3 speed wheel from him look him up !!!
  9. M

    some muscle for ya

    ahhh i was wondering if thats what u were refering too... monkey who has the story on that ???
  10. M

    some muscle for ya

    MONKEY BIKE ?? sure rare n nice collection pete !!!! glad u came over from the muscle bike site !!! they have good stuff here too ...LOL
  11. M

    Robinson Rebel Rebuild FINISHED!!!

    Re: Robinson Rebel Rebuild i have one of those ...on of these days ill get to it !!! maybe :D i did clean up alot of the surface rust on this on last year ...its got a long way 2 go 2 even start 2 look like urs !!! nice lookin bike
  12. M

    Storage building

    WHY ISNT THIS IN THE BUILD SECTION ????? :mrgreen: thats a cool lookin shed u already have !! nice little add on for, makes for an even beter work space !!! i wish i had my own shed/garage i have a storage unit with no power ...kinda hard 2 do much in there ...LOL good luck...
  13. M

    no name yet build ...

    hey thnx man !!! if ur interested in the crank n sprocket n pedals shoot me a pm offer sure we can swing a deal :D i wasent gonna use on this build anyway ....MIKE
  14. M

    no name yet build ...

    tried sellin this thing no bites its gettin fixed up not really sure witch way im goin on this ...i stripped the frame 2day next thing ya know i have tank panels cut out ...LOL im not sure if i wanna go to all this trouble or just paint the bike n sell it n make some cash ...if i...
  15. M

    Remember customer service??

    GOOD OL CASH ta love it !!! :mrgreen:
  16. M

    Early Iron Pre Car Show,Ukiah CA

    nice iron ....good stuff !!!!
  17. M


    white seat n second bars with KF that sprocket looks a little outa place but its ur build !!!!
  18. M

    Bar Keeper's Friend?

    i use it with steel wool ...scotch brite pads ..tooth brushes ...qtips ... works real good if u like scrubbing and scrubbing and scrubbing ...LOL ... if its lite rust on something i use this orange cleaner and sprinkle some BKF on there and a scotch brite like a champ !!!
  19. M

    bicylce shipping service

    well hey ship a few bikes n let us know how it works out .... i guess they could just steal ur stuff ..LOL :mrgreen:
  20. M

    First of three truck loads

    what do ya gotta have for the cheater slick ?? i really like that bike :mrgreen: