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  1. N

    Rebuilding my seat...

    this is what I use and how I did it...don't know how long it's only been on the bike for 2 months. i'll take photos of the next seat I do (this weekend if I get the pan back from the sand-blaster!) latex gloves (or similar non-latex versions) 1 can 3M 77 adhesive spray (3M also...
  2. N

    Did you receive the build off email?

    didn't get...have have lost it in the spam filter...i didn't check the incoming addresses all that well.
  3. N


    deeper grooves...if you make them smooth it's like a car with glazed brake pads (noise)...and grease the shoes and inside the hub where the shoes contact... Good Luck
  4. N

    not realy a poll but a question

    Save: 1. Bendix Automatic Hubs 2. Brooks Saddles 3. Heavy & Middleweight frames 4. High flange hubs 5. ANY Reynolds Tubing frame 6. 26" alloy rims 7. 27" alloy rims (not easy to find anymore...damn 700's)
  5. N

    Help! - Adjusting Rear Derailleurs - Deore XT to be exact

    if the follow-up is really good they should show you how to do the adjustment for the's part of good customer service (in case the "simple adjustment" is needed in the field). ...and i have no idea hope to adjust it...sorry
  6. N

    Camping & the 35W Bridge

    i just started in june...same user name on
  7. N

    Airshow from last month, Finally uploaded all 100 pics.

    musta been??? probably was!
  8. N

    Camping & the 35W Bridge

    last week (July 29-Aug 3) my GF and I went camping at the Governor Dodge State Park in Wisconsin. It's a really nice park w/nice hiking trails, a dog swimming area (important to us dog owners!), off & on-road biking...and geo-caching. the park is 5000+ acres in the Driftless area, so the rock...
  9. N

    Airshow from last month, Finally uploaded all 100 pics.

    the OMWM got a parking ticket in chicago!
  10. N

    Any tips on cutting and shortening cables

    I use Lineman's Pliers my dad gave me from when he worked for the phone company...they work on both the cable and housing
  11. N

    What grease for a Bendix hub?

    that thick brown grease might be old wheel bearing grease...either that you have will work, but of the two, i'd use the White Lithium (also, as already stated)
  12. N

    seating S-7 tires properly

    wow...and ouch!
  13. N

    Replacing innertubes

    that's what i usually do...quicker changes when commuting
  14. N

    What grease for a Bendix hub?

    i've used Park Tool grease, Synthetic automotive grease (Valvoline #985 is what i'm using now), NAPA Grease (#75-601)...i think any EP grease will work. I forgot to grease the shoes on a bike once (my own)...literally smoked the hub...wish I had a camera that day.
  15. N


    photoshop is cool
  16. N

    144 spoke wheels

    depends on the bike...if you make the bike LOOK like a lowrider... coupled with WW and Fat Fenders, I don't think they are a bad you already have them (cost saver!) just my $.02
  17. N

    Neighbors wanna yell at me?! HAHAHA!!

    Re: Kinfolk?? Be nice to Sully!
  18. N

    what is a good mag.

    +1 I also like Dirt Rag, Urban Velo, Cars-R-Coffins (online), The Boundary Waters Journal (non-bike)...
  19. N

    seating S-7 tires properly

    anywhere near the valve stem hole?
  20. N

    making new paint look "old"

    Re: Niiiiiiiiiice instead of the desert, just send it this way...after a few Minnesota winters (and all the salt we dump on the roads) it'll look good-as-old! (I'll also store the bike/frame outside...mounted to the roof-rack of my car!) :D