Nice photos! The fireworks look great with the stars on the sprocket...
Catfoodrob said:Hi, I've just read the whole 104pages ...superb thread , superb bike.
Can I ask a question ? You use a pool all on the bottom of your kickstand , after a year or so of regular use , how is the pool all standing up ? Is it worn away ? Or is it still fine . When the stand is up , and the bottom of the ball is visible , is it still clean , or scratched to heck ?
I ask because I've just ordered a pool ball for the kickstand on my cruiser .... An idea inspired by your build . :wink:
Re: Flex{\\\}Liner 7 TwinFlexSpaceliner 6/23 Maiden Voyage
I also decided to work on the 1940s Snyder built Hawthorne beehive springer fork. Seems like a pretty unique style. The rocker arms are actually inside of the big fat fork blade ends. There is a vertical hole cut in the blades that the axle travels in. The problem that found was if you tighten down the nuts, then the springer fork is squeezed against the regular fork blade. My plan is to make it so when you tighten down the nuts it clamps the springer fork to the rockers and axle and leaves some room between the fork blad and the springer fork.
I took about eight 3/8 washers and ground them off on two sides.
Then I used some foil tape to hold them alligned together
Then slid them on the axle and tightened down.
Re: █ Flex★Liner⑦ █ TwinFlexSpaceLiner 6/30 Springer Fork Spacer
Picked up a lot of nuts and bolts and stuff at HD last night.
I am still experimenting with proper axle spacers for this unusual springer fork. The ground down washer were a bit rough and I think they were rotating and binding some.
Picked up some 3/8 nylon nuts to try. It is a better thinkness as far as keeping the springer fork off of the big fork. There is plenty of space and I shouldn't have to worry about the wheel moving forward and back because of the interior rocker arms. We'll see.