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So for the 1000th reply to my build thread it's cool to show a new technique I am just learning. I asked @OddJob for some tips on sanding/rubbing off portions of topcoats to get the fauxtina of the bottom coats to show through. He gave me the secret recioe of 50/50 vinegar/water to use as a ratrod vinegrette. And he suggested using #0000 steel wool.


Once I started chatting with him about it, my brain got to working about could this be done with a pattern guide? So tonight I did a little fauxtina rubbing with a pattern test. First I just laid out some very basic pointy darts with blue tape. These worked fine, but the steep wool chewed them up a little which broke the pattern a little.


So next I reached over for my trusty foil tape and laid out a basic pointy dart with it. This worked much better in holding a pattern. I still need to get the knack for not only how much pressure to rub with, but just as important, how little I should rub with. It appears to be a little bit of a finesse game.



Once I saw how the foil dart went. I tried laying out a curved line with thinner strips of foil tape. It doesn't curve very well, but then a lightbulb went off. Why not cut a pattern in the tape. So I cut some very simple flames as a test. I'm very pleased with how easy this was. I doubt I spent more than an hour for the whole test. It opens up some ideas for my paint scheme now. I still need to work on the rubbing finesse. But this is cool.

I think what made me think about patterns when OJ was describing the rubbing, was it reminded me of what I did with my saddle on starsNbars in BO9. I basically laid out a pattern of the perfectly rusted longspring saddle and selectively dremelled the relief of the pattern. I ended up with a polished rust on regular rust pattern.



That pattern idea is cool! And another cool part of this design and process is you get a 'vintage / worn look' and a design that fits your vibe as well!

Another example of melding two techniques together to achieve a brand new technique. Aka...rat rodding!
That pattern idea is cool! And another cool part of this design and process is you get a 'vintage / worn look' and a design that fits your vibe as well!

Another example of melding two techniques together to achieve a brand new technique. Aka...rat rodding!

I'm pretty stoked about this. My brain has been swirling with ideas. I need to keep it in check though. I don't want to go crazy with it though and have my bike look like it belongs to a tattoo artist :D :D :D

These build offs and RRB in general is always a big idea incubator in my opinion. We all feed off of what we see from each other and then meld those ideas into our own take on them. It's never to late for us dogs to learn new tricks.
These build offs and RRB in general is always a big idea incubator in my opinion. We all feed off of what we see from each other and then meld those ideas into our own take on them
Yeah that's what makes this so awesome. Never understood builders who shut down comments on their thread, but I guess it's possible that they already attained perfection, and don't need us bums polluting their genius
Yeah that's what makes this so awesome. Never understood builders who shut down comments on their thread, but I guess it's possible that they already attained perfection, and don't need us bums polluting their genius

I agree. Building these bikes is about trying to perfect imperfections by not actually attaining perfection. All of my builds are beautifully imperfect in my eyes. I feed off of comments and input and the collective creativity these build offs generate. Just think of me as a RRB parasite :D :D :D .
Stopped by the Dollar Store to get more sandpaper (don't need it, but figured I would stock up since I liked it). I was wrong about the number of sheets, they are actually 25 sheets per pack, so 4 cents a sheet. )
Saw these LED headband lights that had a flashing feature. I am extremely impressed with the quality of these. Can't believe they were just a buck. Put 3 AAAs in there and they are super bright.


I want to have red flashing lights inside of my pipes to act as taillights. I thought about wiring up a battery pack and such, but then I had a simpler idea. What if I simply have it so that I pull them out to turn them on/off and that way I can just use regular lights without any extra wiring. Well you can see that these lights are white light. So I pulled out my trusty red report binder to test the idea of making them red. It worked awesome as a rough test. I'll dress up the solution.

I want something to put in the accent circle of the chainguard. I've had the doodads from this yard sale western belt for 11 years. I used a couple on starsNbars and they are a perfect fit for the circle.


I also bought a U.S. lapel insignia from an army surplus store and snipped the pins off of it. It fits well too.


I think I am going to use the belt star on the guard since it will go with the star chainring.
I think the U.S. will look better on a headbadge.
By the way, the U.S. in this case stands for Uncle Stretch.
I have this old Western Flyer badge and it will fit perfectly in the circle area.

Started laying out my first rubbing pattern on the chainguard using the foil tape.
Used the factory straight edges of the tape where I could and then marked out the other patterns by hand and other items for forms.


Initially laid out this inner dart, but I wasn't feeling it.


After much thought, I decided to go with something that would flow better with the tank and skirts


So with that in mind, I laid this out in reverse on the tape, then applied it.

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