1940? schwinn ratty truck kustom ALL DONE PICS ARE UP!

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Nov 30, 2006
Reaction score
sacramento, ca
OK guys and galls i am in it this time for real. made the decision to use my cycle truck frame for this just because i have never really seen one done up like i am planning on. pics of the frame to come along soon.
Very cool...wondered if you'd jump in.

Beginning to think you may have had another vintage Ford brake mishap. :lol:
I'm anxious to see this one. The Cycle Truck is on my list of bikes I'd like to own.
Cool...here is my old Cycletruck custom...


I think those are metal conduit clamps I got at the hardware store. They come with a rubber peice on the strap, I took that off and they fit perfectly on the 1" tubes of the frame. The signboard is a reproduction made by a guy in california. I also use a smaller version of those for the coaster brake strap, but with the rubber on it so it doesn't mar the powdercoat jobs.
cooper cool cycle truck but i am going a different direction with mine. think finding a mack truck and trying to turn it into a hot rod if that helps any. my frame is also an earlier one than yours with the additional tube towards the front. a few local schwinn guys found out about what i was up to somehow (i guess word travels fast in the sacramento vintage bike community and this bike has got them pissed lol. guess the idea of taking an original paint very early cycle truck and ratting it is a bad thing? i have a bunch of pics that i will be leaking out slowly but i will say that it is a rider now just so i could figure out if it would even work right before doing all of the other stuff to it i have planned. i will say that this is my most detailed project everything on it is custom or modded and i am trying some things on it style wise i have never seen done before. sorry i have not been around more comp problems have limmited access but i hope to get the first pics of it up either tonight or tomorrow.
currently uploading pics as we speak. i realized that after i took the pics how there are some steps where i jumped a bit. i was never very good at stoping to take progress pics. here are a few

this shows the frame and the early paint. notice how really early schwinns have the names painted on the top of the down tube.


here you can get a better look at the frame. as you can see there is an extra tube connecting the lower tube to the head tube for strength. on later frames they did away with this. also you can see that i already stuck the 24 inch rear on there and for now the red schwinn 24 x 3 tire.


i wanted to use a double crown fork but the lower ears that are ment for the basket would not clear the legs so off they go. this is where a schwinn collector would have a heart attack so if you are that type look away NOW

look ma no tabs. i did save the tabs just encase i do decided to make it a regular cycle truck again but after all this i doubt that will happen.


now is where i make a bit of a jump. here we see the front end put on but before i had removed the tabs. the front wheel is on and you can still see the original skip tooth schwinn sprocket that was severly worn.


after i removed the crank i did a little cleanning but i have decided to leave the original paint i have a bad habbit of making my bikes too pretty so this one is going to be a bit more ratty. once i get it figured out a bunch of pinstriping and she's done son!


better pic of her in mockup at this point i am not sure about the tires i thought the rear was cool but the front just was not working for me.


this was the first time sitting on the ground where i could roll it around take it outside lean it up aganst the side of the building and take it in. the stem and bar setup is just there for now things will change.
the front tire would be fine if treads matched. Im not a big fan of red tires, But these look pretty sweet!!!
Cool mang! You've made some progress since you showed that to me down at the shop. Must be rough workin at the coolest bike shop in town. All I got is my grungy basement for a workshop. :roll: