Thanks so much for the great info. Ya, the custard (vinegar flour mixture) idea is a game changer for me!A long time ago I used imitation house brand Coke a Cola on sale and put a bike seat and small parts in it In a bucket with a lid. It worked very slowly (two months) but eventually took out all the rust from even the deep pits. On several occasions I used horse feed molassis from a farm store in the bucket. This worked at the same speed as the coke but the top of the molasses got a nasty floating pad of mold before it was done. Both contain phosphoric acid, which leaves a coating of iron phosphate, which is a little more resistant to rust so an immediate oil coat is necessary. Now a days for small parts I use a bath in a bucket with Iron Out and Water. Iron Out is used to remove iron stains and is basic rather than acetic. This works pretty well. I follow up with vinegar or CLR, a calcium, lime and rust remover and is acidic. Then I use Ospho, a commercial iron treatment used to coat steel before painting. This also contains phosphoric acid and turns any remaining rust black. Ospho is pretty inexpensive and comes in quarts and gallons. I get mine at the local Ace Hardware and for wiping parts a quart will last years. I used final coat of Gibbs penetrating oil or Penetrol drying oil from Ace. I seldom use Gibbs as it is super expensive and might only be transmission fluid in a pressure can? I like the flower idea as almost no one has places to soak or containers large enough. I have a plastic Jet Sled for hauling firewood and I have vinegar soaked a standard frame and a tandem frame at the same time. I’m going to try the flower on a complete frame. If it works on a whole frame it would be less messy, less expensive, take up less space and I could try it in the winter in our bathroom with large garbage bags to contain it. Sounds like a great idea to me.
That's it exactly, making it stick to the frame is the idea. I'm old too but young inside. We gotta stay in the game Short Stuff.That's a most thorough description of a couple of methods. The Flower? What is that about? I missed it. Maybe mix something with flour to make it stay against the metal? Sorry but I'm old and ADHD doesn't make for good reading comprehension. And I forget more easily. Did I mention I forget things? Edit: A vinegar custard? Be Well, SS.
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