A couple of more details ironed out. One of my concerns with the seatpost being so high was the extra space it created visually between the seat and the frame. Thought about adding another reflector or a taillight, but then I came across some bicycle license plates. Found a couple from 1955, but they were from cities I had never heard of and didn't feel relevant. I kept digging until I found this company in California that makes custom bicycle plates. Perfect--except they only use letters (no numbers, symbols, etc.) and you can only use up to eight characters. After playing around with some different combinations I came up with this:
Did I mention they are blue and white?

I used a stem headlight bracket, some flat steel, and miscellaneous hardware to create a seatpost mount:
One other bit I've been saving for this build were a set of FAKO dual headlights like these (not mine):
The paint on mine were really rough so I put a light coat of the blue I used on the rear fender over the housings. I enlisted the help of an engineer friend to convert these to a switch-powered, battery-driven light instead of the generator.
Found some nice low-profile on/off button switches on eBay that went in the holes on top of the lights
They will attach to a bracket that sits at the top of the fork:
I can see the finish line!