after viewing a thread on some cool seats i have come to conclusion this may have been an exercise bike seat at one point.
i also have come up with the idea of recovering it eventually although i kinda like it the way it is.
as they always say petina tells a story that this bike has been used and has been enjoyed.
i did however get the fenders made a lil better and got them mocked up their gonna need a lot more work but their coming along.
got it setting without no bolts but it is getting the street sweeper look i want
cleaned up the typhoon cord tire i might runa set of these and paint the sidewalls white they look good on the bike just not whitewalls
more updates soon.
got a little more shaping to do and some grinding and then body filling and then more cutting and grinding and body filling and then cleaning and more bodywork..yaddayadda lol y'all get the point lots to do but its coming along.
i also have come up with the idea of recovering it eventually although i kinda like it the way it is.
as they always say petina tells a story that this bike has been used and has been enjoyed.
i did however get the fenders made a lil better and got them mocked up their gonna need a lot more work but their coming along.
got it setting without no bolts but it is getting the street sweeper look i want
cleaned up the typhoon cord tire i might runa set of these and paint the sidewalls white they look good on the bike just not whitewalls
more updates soon.
got a little more shaping to do and some grinding and then body filling and then more cutting and grinding and body filling and then cleaning and more bodywork..yaddayadda lol y'all get the point lots to do but its coming along.