Re: * Bad Fish *
There will be no evil around my bike!!!
There will be no evil around my bike!!!

I bet he had a good memory of his childhod and a story to tell his loved ones. For all you know that could've been his bike. Stranger things have happened.Yes you created it. And it's Tuff! Peaceslowriderz said:Thanks for the kudos fellas..... Funny story, So I ride up to the local Mini Mart for my box o beer and when I come out I have a couple old fellas checkin out my bike. The one guy says "that is the exact same bike I had when I was younger" same fat tires and everything. Hmmmm. I smiled and talked about how nice the ride must have been for him as I love riding mine. Chatted for a moment and I was on my way.
maybe the badfish is actually the second coming. did i actually create this bike or didnt I? :lol:
Peatbog said:Ah ah! That looks like the first beer run of the build off. That's should be worth extra points.
That headlight looks cool peaking up over the beer.