Must. Stop. Getting. Distracted. Need to concentrate on the task at hand.

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Thanks!if you pull the fork blades down a bit it’ll pick the frame up a little at the front, but it will pick the curve of the legs up and have the blades that hold the wheel more horizontal to the ground. Originals were nearly parallel. I try to achieve that but often I’m off a bit.
Anyway, it’s looking awesome!
It looks super cool, scraps or not! It's probably just due to head tube angle.It may that the curve is just tighter. These were scraps after all.
On my Showboatin build I did gold metal flakeI want to do a red metal flake on this bike. I’ve been looking at options for paint. I’m going to stick with rattle cans so options are a bit limited. I watched some videos where guys painted guitars with this stuff and had great results.
View attachment 281574
The gold metallic made for a good base coat for the red glitter.
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The glitter paint is textured and kind of flat so a clear coat is needed. First coat of clear:
View attachment 281570
Not too bad but it accumulates orange peel quickly. Here’s coat 3 wet:
View attachment 281571
And dry to touch:
View attachment 281573
The orange peel is pretty dramatic. It’s going to take a lot of wet sanding to knock this down. I might save this paint for future projects and order some better paint. I’ll see how much sanding this will need first.
That looks great, I might give that a whirl. Thanks! I also thought about using 2k clear over the glitter but that might be putting lipstick on a pig.On my Showboatin build I did gold metal flake
View attachment 281579
Using these two over a white base coat
View attachment 281581
And the metalcast comes in red