That Technique is baller. I almost bought a 20" frame back in the day. I had a set of red Technique cranks on my old race bike.
bikejunkie said:WOW that Gurney is in incredible shape!!!!!Thats a rare one right there.Ive been wanting a monoshock for awhile now.So last week I found a Royce Union looptail monoshock.Cant wait to build this bike up.Ive already got some bars,forks,MX seat and a Matthews double clamp stem.I just need some old metal mags or some fat spoked wheels.But heres my latest build.Late 90s 24'' Technique cruiser.Just got it back from the polisher.Whatcha think!!??This one might be a keeper.
i take it the OM is doing ok , glad to hear he is doing wellbikejunkie said:For anyone in the Long Beach area,Scot Breithaupt [OM Flyer himself]has opened a BMX Museum at 4321 Atlantic blvd,in Bixby Knolls.It will be open for 2 weeks and the grand opening is tonight!! Ive been down there helping setup and I guarantee you will not be disapointed.LOTS of history in there.
New folks here. I just bought a Big Ripper about a month ago. Not only is it fast, its a smooth and an easy ride. I know the bike is recommended for 5'5" and above but even my 5 foot one inch wife can ride this bike with ease. Well worth the money!! every person who has rode mine wants it. If your a big kid you just got to have one.bike_dude said:bikejunkie said:BIKEDUDE I agree with the $100 dollar bills.Cool when I first saw it,but now kind of burned o it already and I dont think its even hit the streets yet.My LBS is gettin one,so will see how it sells.That blue your talking about is rad!!Here is a picture of one,Is this the one you were lookin at?And a picture from Interbike!!Crazy bad Big Ripper!!!These should only cost nine thousand bucks!!haha.LONEWOLF,heck yeah on those cranks!!!On bmx museum,porkchopz44 is selling the arms,and spider with no bottom bracket for $30 bucks brand new polished.They are the same cranks but not engraved with a company.But you will probably never find that bottom bracket because you need that exact one to work.Ive been tempted to buy a set just in case,but havent jumped yet.
Im lovin SE's concept of making their bike more appealing to BMX afficionados, that ripper looks soooo bad..yeah and that Floval too
Have to pick up more hours at work.![]()