Board Track Style Bicycle From England ( GRADY ROCKET )

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Re: Board Track Style Bicycle From England

The color/finish combo on this bike is great.

With a few rides the tires should break in a bit, or maybe an dark tea colored ink wash might age them just enough?

Very cool.
Re: Board Track Style Bicycle From England

Charlie, This bike is a work of art! It looks BEAUTIFUL in the mockup stage nearly complete, and to me the tires look perfect just as they are. :mrgreen: It's a fantastic contract, I.M.O.

PS, are those Felt tires? If so, are they 24" or 26"? They look like fatter quick bricks (26")... very, very nice!
Re: Board Track Style Bicycle From England

Thanks guys! The tyres are already getting dirty from wheeling it in the garden.I think I will let them be for the minute and see how they look in a week or two.The tyres are Schwalbe Fat Franks Unchained, they look nice and fat don't they.I have painted out the logos.They are size 26'' 2.3.

Been doing lots of little bits and pieces over the last couple of days.A nice rusty chain from the donor bicycle has gone on.Cleaned it a bit, but left the rusty look.The tank has now been fitted with the brackets.I have painted the gas and oil caps.I used a vitamin lid for the gas one and a kitchen bottle top for the oil one.Gave them a little paint rust effect



Here's what they look like now.


Then I took a pic with the tank.


I just placed the gas cap on top of the tank, so it hasn't been stuck on yet.

I have been also this afternoon, working on the oil tank, which is going in the gap underneath the seat.It's taken a bit to get the shape right and get it to fit in but it's not looking bad.I have had to make a wooden support to go under the seat, to stop the seat tipping backwards and hitting the rear fender, so part of the oil tank at the top has had to come off.Pics of the support and oil tank soon.

Thanks again for the nice comments, i'm really enjoying this one!

Charlie :D
Re: Board Track Style Bicycle From England

Looking great! 8) My 2 cents, a nice deco chain guard would seem to be in order.
Re: Board Track Style Bicycle From England

Did you doll up the chain too with a bit of paint? Looking great Charlie!

No paint on the chain, I just cleaned all the grease and dirt off with some WD40 but left the surface rust on.

deorman said:
Looking great! 8) My 2 cents, a nice deco chain guard would seem to be in order.

This is the chainguard I had in mind.


It gives the bike a nice look and i really like it.I think it's the cool lines on it! It is going to take a little bit of thinking to get it to fit though.May have to cut a small bit off the right hand side of the fender as It is stopping it sitting straight and is rubbing on the chain at the moment.Hopefully get it sorted soon.

maybe some sort of a sun faded design on the tank... :?: :idea: :?:

Yep, already got some ideas flowing for that.I will probably stencil it on when i've finished the design.

Glad you like it so far.
Re: Board Track Style Bicycle From England

Hi everyone, bit of an update.I have been bending, cutting, filling, sanding and spraying all last week and over the weekend and here is where
i'm up to.I had to make a support to go under the seat to stop it dropping backwards and hitting the rear fender, so I came up with something simple,
but it works.So I cut it out and got painting.


Here is what it looks like on the bike.


It does the job, strong and now the seat doesn't move backwards and forwards.

I have managed to get the chain guard to fit! It took and bit of work with the dremel and drilling.I made a little bracket to support the front.


Then bent it into shape, so as it didn't rub on the chain.I then did the paint and rust effect.As as before.


I think it looks nice and really gives it a nice look with the lines.


I have nearly finished the oil tank, here is what I've done so far.




I needed to make two cut outs either end.One to allow the bottom of the seat support and one for the top of the kickstand bracket.
I quite like the design.I cut out three planks wide, as it looked nicer.


Did a bit of filling and sanding.




Primer and then started on the paint.


Just need to do the paint flicking and matt lacquer, then I can get it on the bike.Picture of it fitted soon.I have got the three
brackets painted and ready for it too.

The kickstand is now on.Had to make another custom bracket, as this kickstand screwed directly into the donor bicycle before.


More pictures coming of the oil tank fitted, when the paints done.The rough design has been made for the head badge.

Thanks Charlie
Re: Board Track Style Bicycle From England

Brilliant work, bike looks amazing!
Some serious techniques applied here, and the result speaks for it self.
Congrats, and please, keep those pics coming!
Can´t wait to see the oil tank and the art work on the main tank...
Re: Board Track Style Bicycle From England

Hi everyone, here is an update.Continuing wtih the paint on the oil tank, from the last update.

Rusty water marks and painting.



Matt lacquer done and drying.


Then Lined up the three bracket to see where to put them and drilled the holes



Here it is fitted!




Gives the bicycle a really nice look.

The head badge has been made and is on it's way from jezusjonz.It's going to look brilliant! I drew out a rough sketch and he has done
an amazing job on getting exactly what I wanted.Pictures when it arrives!
Re: Board Track Style Bicycle From England

Thanks for the nice words guys!

Gdcast said:
Amazing! Looks great! Are you planing to apply some lettering to the tank?

yeah I have been playing around with lots of different designs, but I really want to keep it simple and not look over done, if you know what I mean.
I was thinking just plain text with a slight curve.It will have the name of the bike! I will give it an aged faded look :D I will put up some pictures of it soon.