Board Track Style Bicycle From England ( GRADY ROCKET )

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Re: Board Track Style Bicycle From England

Hi everyone, well its been a busy fews day, with more painting.I've been taking pictures! I came up with a design for the tank which I rather
liked, so I went with it.I came up with the name of the bicycle a few months ago ' GRADY ROCKET ' and have been working on something simple for the logo that was suited to the era.Just a simple curved text and looking for a bit of inspiration, I came across a 1920's radio and really liked the shape of the speaker mesh, so came up with the centre part in between the lettering.It didn't have to be perfect as I new I would be ageing it on the edges.

Few pics of the design.


Cutting out.


Little test on some card.

Spraying on the cream base colour on the tank.

Went over the top with the top darker cream.

I did some dry brushing on the logo with muddy browns, rusty orange and the main chocolate colour.Then I started painting the
pin stripes on the tank.



Here is part of the tank with the aged effect.

Pin stripes on the chain guard and oil tank.




Ageing them

The tank and oil tank caps have been stuck on now, and I have dulled and rust painted
a few of the shiny bit, still got to do a bit more and will probably do some more distressing to the logos and pin stripes, but here is what the
bicycle looks like now.





The head badge arrived today! It looks great, so pleased with it! Here is my sketch of what I wanted.I had this idea a few
months back.I wanted it to look old fashioned with the curves and the name I came up with, it had to have a rocket shooting off!
I thought it would be nice to have three lines either side of the rocket, the chain guard had three lines also and there are three
brackets holding the tank and oil tank in place.


Jezusjonz has done a fantastic job on it! Fits perfectly!


More on the badge soon.

Re: Board Track Style Bicycle From England

Sweet build! You should have put this in the build off...
Terry makes grat headbadges! Works of art!
Hi everyone, thankyou very much for the replies! Been putting the finishing touches on the bike today and it's done! Just in time to enter.
When the badge arrived the other day, I couldn't believe how nice it was! Here is how the head badge went today.

First had to bend it into shape.


When I tried it on the bike, the bronze and the chrome were clashing a bit and with no other colours like it on the bike, I decided that I really wanted to paint it and give it a distressed look, so as it would go with the rest of the bike.

Gave in an undercoat and then started on the paint.


I brought out the curved edges and logo with some creme, really makes it pop out now!



Then with some muddy browns, rusty orange and the main chocolate colour, I did a touch of dry brushing to give it that worn chipped look.




Finished it off with a light dry brushing of rusty brown over the chocolate background and tried it on the bike


I really like the way the rocket sits in between the front fork springs :D


I spent the afternoon adding a light rusty paint effect to the metal areas.

Here is the finished bike!


This has been such a fun build! Thankyou everyone who has replied! Bike is going up in the build off finshed thread now, check that post for more pictures.

Charlie :D
Cool build! reminds me of the bike I built for last year's contest; I also artificially aged it and used white tires and the boardtracker look. Congrats!
2WheelFlyer said:
Cool build! reminds me of the bike I built for last year's contest; I also artificially aged it and used white tires and the boardtracker look. Congrats!

Thanks 2WheelFlyer! I just searched your build thread of your bike from last year and read through.Great bike! I like the idea with the straws over the spokes when painting the rims, very clever.Cool build!