i was wondering the same thing as herr rudolf, but didnt see anything about it in the rules. im not gonna be a last minute player, just may take a week or two since since unexpected incidents have happened. :roll:
herr_rudolf said:Is there a closing date on entering the RRBBO? I'm wondering if there should be one... I remember being not to fond of new members entering just days before the deadline with a 'freshly' build bike without an extensive build history.
...or am I taking things too seriously again..?
Competition makes me do that, you know...
herr_rudolf said:....... I remember being not to fond of new members entering just days before the deadline with a 'freshly' build bike without an extensive build history.......
wolfy said:This sounds fun i want to enter but im not sure...
Go for it! It's all for fun anyway! Build something you would be proud to ride! 8)wolfy said:This sounds fun i want to enter but im not sure...
Follow the rules below and have fun! We're keepin' this thing pretty loose so don't get yourself in a knot.
+1Rat Rod said:Follow the rules below and have fun! We're keepin' this thing pretty loose so don't get yourself in a knot.
Just build a cool bike and don't worry about anyone else. :mrgreen:
This is for fun...if you find yourself spending lots of time and energy making sure everyone is following the rules then you're probably gettin' in a little too deep into this.
There's no big cash prize, no instant fame and fortune, just an opportunity to be a part of a group build off and end up with a cool bike in the end.
Everybody together now...CLOSE YOUR EYES....BIG INHALE....HOLD IT.............BREATHE OUT SLOWLY....life is good. :wink:
stocksucks said:Great!
I'm not gonna try it out this year (baby's coming), but I'll be there next year for shure.
I wish everybody the best.
Good luck and keep rollin'
JoKeR63 said:Wow! this is freakin' insane!
We'll easily hit 100 entries this year, it's gona' be tough to keep up with all these posts!
bighit said:He is lurking around the shadows.
1 lack of timeherr_rudolf said:wolfy said:This sounds fun i want to enter but im not sure...
Why not? There's absolutely no reason why you shouldn't.