Rat Rod Bikes Bicycle Forum

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herr_rudolf said:

^Don't you love RRBBO?

I can get used to this kind of 'spam'...
Adjust your options. it only emails me when I get a pm.
pick said:
wolfy said:
This sounds fun i want to enter but im not sure...
Go for it! It's all for fun anyway! Build something you would be proud to ride! 8)
I think i might rip my meridian apart how do i upload pics from my drive to here not url? i might start a build thread.
wolfy said:
herr_rudolf said:
wolfy said:
This sounds fun i want to enter but im not sure...

Why not? There's absolutely no reason why you shouldn't.
1 lack of time
2 lack of funds
3 lack os skills
I really want to mabye... i cant ride a bike but i want to get a cheap schwinn"drifter" from sears or schwinn"legacy" to learn on as a starting point. i currenly customize bikes and paint um but doubt can build something from a frame. Nice meeting you ratrod.

I don't think that any one of those 3 reasons has stopped a large number of us from doing something before :mrgreen:
Brentley said:
wolfy said:
1 lack of time
2 lack of funds
3 lack os skills
I really want to mabye... i cant ride a bike but i want to get a cheap schwinn"drifter" from sears or schwinn"legacy" to learn on as a starting point. i currenly customize bikes and paint um but doubt can build something from a frame. Nice meeting you ratrod.

I don't think that any one of those 3 reasons has stopped a large number of us from doing something before :mrgreen:


Just do what you can do to make an old bicycle look good. The worst thing that can happen is you end up with a cool looking bike that didn't win. You seem to enjoy this forum. Wanting a ratrodbike is just hours away of owning one. You can make it as difficult or as easy as you want it to be. It can take as long or as short as you want. Same goes for funds. By deffinition a ratrod is supposed to be cheap(looking). (err... looky here, I'm discussing the term 'ratrod' :shock: ...all for a good cause though :wink: ) But ofcourse, you should try and make it anyway you want it.

I didn't enter the build-off last year because I didn't manage to get a decent frame, and because of a serious lack of time. And I felt really bad that I didn't join in.
Double Nickle said:
wolfy said:
herr_rudolf said:

^Don't you love RRBBO?

I can get used to this kind of 'spam'...
Adjust your options. it only emails me when I get a pm.
It looks like my build replys are taking up most of your inbox. Sorry dude and yes change your options. I only get PM mail sent to email.

heheh guys! gotta read more carefully: "I CAN get used to this kind of spam." After a while I will know which build to follow and which to ignore. For now, I like the start-up activity and want to keep up with all of the new bikes getting entered.
Just counted the threads, looks like 42 builds so far, is that right?

From all of your past experience, what is the finish percentage?

With 42 on day 2, who wants to predict total number of entries?
Easy: Check 'board index' and look up the 'RRBBO#6' thread: 45 posts in total. Minus 3 (discussion, rules, trophy) makes it 42 on day 2.
So yes, you are correct.

Go to the RRBBO#6 forum and look up the blue digit in the upper right corner.
At this very moment:
54 topics equals 54 bikes entered!
last year there were 144 entries.......or was that the year before? :?
so id guess somewhere arount that or more :wink:
I am in ,but not 100% sure I will stay with building this frame , or should I strip down the Elgin and start over on the entry from last year,since all I really got done was the frame,may take a few days to ponder....
Sorry man....I don't host photos on this forum for people...the storage space would kill me.

You need to open a free Photobucket account and use that instead.


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