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Critter1 said:

#2... Is that beer or actual tires? :)

#4... 2 gallons?!?!? Where do you get the industrial size? All I can find are the trial size and I keep running out!! :D

#7... I hear the "frustration" from over seas can get kinda pricey! Good thing we try to always buy domestic!

#2 is both the beer and the tire( i actually love Fat tire beer,at first I bought it for the novelty BUT MAN ITS GOOD!!!!)
I think I'm finally getting motivated to build a bike...........and wouldn't you know it, I leave for Scotland in two weeks. Won't be back until it's allllllll over. :cry:
Rockit! said:
I think I'm finally getting motivated to build a bike...........and wouldn't you know it, I leave for Scotland in two weeks. Won't be back until it's allllllll over. :cry:

Man, I was really hoping you would "HOP" in after all the SBM (Subliminal Bunny Motivation).
You were definitely one of the heavy hitters last year and I miss your style.
Well, at least you get to go some place cool!!! Have fun in Scotland and enjoy some Wee Heavy Scotch Ale for me!!!

rite on! i just saw the vid and that may be the funniest one ive seen. it aint funny to anyone but us guy(to many inside jokes).
before that one my faves were the harley/sturgis one and the metallica/lou reed one.....look 'em up. funny stuff.
great job.

PS. i really mean good job. not butt smootchin :p
kingfish254 said:
There are always some cool parts on most RRB builds, but I don't think I have ever seen a parts list for any of the builds.

What are you building with? Sometimes it's easy for the rest of us to miss some of the cool parts that you are using.

Hot Rod Higgins....

'51 JC Higgins frame, chain guard and rear fender.
X53 front fork with sprayed on Kentucky Chrome
Higgins tank (not sure of the year)
Higgins fender skirts from a girls bike
Higgins headbadge
Remnants of a seat from a 1936 Roadmaster
Lucky 7 seatpost
1940's Chevy fog light
BMX style stem
Nirve switchblade handbars
24X3 ThickBrick tires
24" Wheelmaster wheels
kingfish254 said:
There are always some cool parts on most RRB builds, but I don't think I have ever seen a parts list for any of the builds.

What are you building with? Sometimes it's easy for the rest of us to miss some of the cool parts that you are using.
I challenged myself to build Mofo without destroying or cutting any desirable parts. Many of the parts are over 100 years old:

Frame & Tank: 1940’s Cleveland Welding Company - Hawthorne
Front suspension fork: 1960’s Sears Spaceliner
Crank arm: 1930’s Monark Dogleg
Sprocket: 1900’s Pierce
Pedals: 1900's Torrington Rat Trap
Headlight: 1930’s Delta Car Spotlight
Handlebars: 1900’s Race Bars
Grips: Flexgrips?
Stem: 1930’s Iver Johnson
Seat: 1930’s Troxel pan
Rims: 1960’s Murrays with New Departure hubs & brake
Tires: Vintage Carlisle Lightning Dart 26 x 2.125 White Walls
Peatbog said:
C'mon man. I haven't posted on my thread in several days, and not enough people--four pages of builds--have posted to knock me into page two.* I ain't the only slacker here! :mrgreen:

*I'm waiting so I can use another bunny save and see if the bunny police show up at my door.

The bunny police are sleeping. :wink:
I have been negligent in posting updates... cause I haven't had time to work on anything! Bought a new minivan yesterday, and I still have my old one, thinking about turning it into a bike hauler!

Sent from my GT-P1010 using Tapatalk 2
Peatbog said:
Okay, the amount of building going on has officially made it near impossible for me to be able to keep track of what everyone is doing. I can't even keep track of all the ideas I plan to steal.

I have been making it a point to try to look at each build updates for all of the BO7 builds (at least the photos), but I still miss stuff that I want to steal. A few new builds started up today too.
Now working on bikes isn't as fun as it used to be....its like, hopefully I can find time to finish this thing, its crazy, as a hobby you don't stand on your feet eight hours a day, and my back kills in the last couple hours, I haven't hardly had time to even look at half the builds, I had time to work on my bike today but 100 + temps kept me in the house....and it is fathers day, enjoy everyone!!!
seems appropriate for Fathers Day...



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