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I'm shocked and awed with all the goodness that has happened.I can't see 1 bike that isn't cool,which is making it hard to whittle down the number to 3.Maybe I'll just write all the bikes' names on the wall,put on a blindfold and throw 3 darts.As far as my bike goes,it's mostly an accumulation of ideas gathered from y'all with abit of my own so THANK YOU ALL for the inspiration and know-how.

Haha,my girlfriend is super proud and stoked that I did this and loves the bike.She said I/we need to start thinking of a bike for next year's build off.Well you should have seen the look on her face when I told her there will be a few more bikes built before that.Silence with her jaw dropped!

So good luck,keep the bikes/info/how to's/rants and humor flowing!

I will be raising a frosty pint to everyone in about 5 minutes.


Oh,my computer is sloth.0 so my last few progress pics/words will be on the way asap.
Terry66 said:
dogdart said:
I had fun , the end was stressful , but I got my bike in , and , for that I consider myself a winner , even if I don't get any votes
Amen brother.....I said the same thing. You win and your bike is your prize!
I think I missed some boo- hooing and bologna. So this year I'm just gonna say I think I did my job again this year. I did stick to the rules and my bike showed it. I know I made history by what I did and nobody can deny it cuz IBJB!!!! Peace Ratters bask in the Ratness.
nahh voting is easy!
rule #1: dont ever vote for your own bike(sorry thats how i was raised and besides i already own it)
rule #2: did they have actual updates in the builds or was it just pages and pages and pages of "FLUFF" posts?
rule #3: did they dot all their i's and cross all their t's?(meaning how well did they pay attention to all the tiny are all the screws next to each other facing all catawampus or are they facing the same way/amount of turns? is there orange peel all over if they painted? if they added something does it function or is it just fluff?....i could go on for hours and hours and hours but you get the point)
rule #4: if there was pinstriping on it did they do it?
rule #5: if there was custom made stuff did they do it?
rule #6: is it something id want in my garage?
rule #7: does it look like a BICYCLE?
those are my sacred seven and theyve never done me wrong(well....i also only normally vote for one bike only so that makes it easier as well :p )

yeah....sorry i didnt get a chance to comment on all the bikes(took hours just to look at the first page and i didnt even get to comment on all of those!) but you all did something to be proud of and sorry to see not all of them were finished(hope there will be a continuation in the build threads! finish them this build off doesnt matter...its about making something youre proud of and getting another bike on the road!)
sensor said:
nahh voting is easy!
rule #1: dont ever vote for your own bike(sorry thats how i was raised and besides i already own it)
rule #2: did they have actual updates in the builds or was it just pages and pages and pages of "FLUFF" posts?
rule #3: did they dot all their i's and cross all their t's?(meaning how well did they pay attention to all the tiny are all the screws next to each other facing all catawampus or are they facing the same way/amount of turns? is there orange peel all over if they painted? if they added something does it function or is it just fluff?....i could go on for hours and hours and hours but you get the point)
rule #4: if there was pinstriping on it did they do it?
rule #5: if there was custom made stuff did they do it?
rule #6: is it something id want in my garage?
rule #7: does it look like a BICYCLE?
those are my sacred seven and theyve never done me wrong(well....i also only normally vote for one bike only so that makes it easier as well :p )

All of the above is Nuttin Fancy so I get your single vote cool I get a vote yay me

yeah....sorry i didnt get a chance to comment on all the bikes(took hours just to look at the first page and i didnt even get to comment on all of those!) but you all did something to be proud of and sorry to see not all of them were finished(hope there will be a continuation in the build threads! finish them this build off doesnt matter...its about making something youre proud of and getting another bike on the road!)
bike2112 said:
I like your rules. i actually made sure all my nuts, bolts and screw heads were all lined up in the same direction. I am super OCD though.

Not exactly build off related, but from the OCD department....after every ride (and I ride 5-6 days a week), I put my road bike on the stand, take the wheels off it and wipe down the frame, derailluers and then lube all the moving parts and chain. I've had the bike about three years, so do the math on how many times that bike has been cleaned.
bike2112 said:
Terry66 said:
bike2112 said:
I like your rules. i actually made sure all my nuts, bolts and screw heads were all lined up in the same direction. I am super OCD though.

Not exactly build off related, but from the OCD department....after every ride (and I ride 5-6 days a week), I put my road bike on the stand, take the wheels off it and wipe down the frame, derailluers and then lube all the moving parts and chain. I've had the bike about three years, so do the math on how many times that bike has been cleaned.

UUUUh, I totally understand. I raced downhill and dual slalom. for every hour of use, about 1 1/2 in the stand.

I bet your bike lasted a lot longer than most!

My cycling friends will text me about 30mins after a ride and ask me what I am doing....knowing full well that I am cleaning my bike. :roll: :roll:

But you know, I REALLY like being in my garage listening to tunes working on a bike, so it's all good.
Voting people when do we get to vote I'm almost dyeing here I woke up at 4a.m with this on my mind come on sir Rat Rod please let these ponies roll
Looks like the polls are open. ... 69&t=61121

I haven't even begun to make my "narrow down" list yet.
Let the fun begin!!!


Peatbog said:
I was all excited about voting, then decided to wait until tomorrow to think about it more after I looked over the bike list (pictures) again. I figure I will narrow it down by looking at the build threads again. I'm still consider about 20 bikes. There are so many different styles of bikes it is hard to compare them. And this way I have at least one more day to be excited about voting!
NUTTIN FANCY NUTTIN FANCY okay not as good as Kingfishes but in my defense I've been up since 4a.m
Very difficult to choose when there are so many kinds of bikes. Klunkers, smoothies, boardtrackers, muscle bikes, choppers, even a burrito! No way I can pick just 3.

Sent from my Galaxy Tab using Tapatalk
Yeah the seat tube split so I had to do some welding an the handle bar idea is stolen from hot rods with custom painted bumpers to match the vehicle an the seat another hot rod trick most true rat rods have Mexican blanket seats not to say I'm disappointed in at all I love my bike I actually have had offers around town to buy it but that's my baby its the first bike I ever bought myself an my son picked it out so she has a lot of sentimental value all of my build was hot rod style the way I interpret it thanks Peatbog it means a lot to be inspiring to some one with so much talent an style
Here was my top ten in alphabetical order. I will not include my bike, because I don't agree with voting for your own bike. That's for others to decide.

Hammered Higgins
Loco Cycle
Mosbys Raider
Smokin in the Boys Room

I will probably think differently five minutes from now, but this was the last list I came up with before I voted.
WHAT A BLAST!!!! Thank you guys!!!
kingfish254 said:
Here was my top ten in alphabetical order. I will not include my bike, because I don't agree with voting for your own bike. That's for others to decide.

Hammered Higgins
Loco Cycle
Mosbys Raider
Smokin in the Boys Room

I will probably think differently five minutes from now, but this was the last list I came up with before I voted.
WHAT A BLAST!!!! Thank you guys!!!

You got two of the three I voted for in there. I'd also add a shout out to "I've got my spine, I've got my Orange Crush," which came out awesome.
I started to vote a couple of times, but decided to wait a little bit and make sure I am voting for the top 3 bikes in my opinion. It really comes down to which 3 bikes would I like to own and then making sure they met the rules, had a nice build thread, etc.

There are so many nice bikes. I would love to line them all up and spend a day or two riding them! :mrgreen:

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