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raggedjim said:
Terry66 said:
Personally I think Steve and crew do a bang up job of moderation without overkill. We're all big boys and girls and we got a set of rules and we all interpret the rules and build/vote accordingly. That works for me. Besides, this is one of those instances when the journey of the build is better than any prize you can win by finishing first, second or whatever.

I'm with this feller... I also know the off-topic items can get old but if you cut out the shenanigans (at the risk of being pistol whipped) then this becomes more like work and less like, well, something enjoyable...

+1 This aint the CABE!!
kingfish254 said:
I think the main reason for lock down is to remove the possibility of people from doing more finish work and posting better pictures with the post deadline work showing up. I am not saying that any of us would do that, but it removes that possibility.

Like RG said, you can add photos to your build forum.

I understand all that, but if that were the case wouldn't people notice that there were differences on the bike in the pictures thereby being allerted to the fact that work was done the way...
raggedjim said:
Terry66 said:
Personally I think Steve and crew do a bang up job of moderation without overkill. We're all big boys and girls and we got a set of rules and we all interpret the rules and build/vote accordingly. That works for me. Besides, this is one of those instances when the journey of the build is better than any prize you can win by finishing first, second or whatever.

I'm with this feller... I also know the off-topic items can get old but if you cut out the shenanigans (at the risk of being pistol whipped) then this becomes more like work and less like, well, something enjoyable...

All I'm saying is checkout the first 5 BO threads, OT stuff started getting bad in BO6, then this year absolutely exploded and it made reading threads more like torture than work and definitely not enjoyable, at least for me. Wasn't talking about limiting comments, just non-text portion of comments.
Rat Rod said:
Here's your chance to build the ultimate Rat Rod Bike.

Follow the rules below and have fun! We're keepin' this thing pretty loose so don't get yourself in a knot. :shock:

Participants should use their thread as a journal including write ups and photos.

1. You can only enter one bike in the build off (can change bikes once if needed)
2. Start a new post and use the bike name as the Subject.
3. Must use factory altering of original frame structure/geometry
(grinding off fender tabs and cutting seat tube height is okay, just no major frame design changes).
4. Bike must not already be built.
5. Must include before, progress, and after photos (all in one thread please)
6. Bike must be ridable.
7. Use any parts you rat = mo bettah!
8. Parts can be attached any way you wish (includes welding).
9. Paint must be applied by builder...pinstripping by someone else is acceptable.
10. Don't ask a bunch of goofy questions trying to get around the rules...just build a cool bike and have fun.
11. KEEP IT CHEAP...remember...IT'S A RAT ROD!!!!

You must post your completed bike in the "FINISHED RRBBO7" forum
by 9:00 p.m. CST, August 6, 2012.


Now get ta buildin'!

I know I'm sounding whiney here...Even though I'm not trying to...but yes I read the rules...and what they say are the COMPLETED BIKE must be posted by the deadline...and that the thread should contain all three types of I'll just drop it though.
I'm the first one to vote for less chatter in the threads...especially OT chatter.

I like things lean and clean, but this year it was impossible to control it unless I started deleting accounts...ha ha! :lol:
I'd just hate this place to become like a couple other sites I know of... Strict, newby-beating, self-ego stroking stinkers... Been there and left quickly.

I looked back through my build thread and there is some fluff in it, but what can you do? And I'm guilty of adding fluff (in particular the HILARIOUS pic I posted of Peatbog on his monkey bike! Ha! It still makes me laugh!) but at least I knew SOMEONE was looking at my build.
Joker-n-Jack said:
I know I'm sounding whiney here...Even though I'm not trying to...but yes I read the rules...and what they say are the COMPLETED BIKE must be posted by the deadline...and that the thread should contain all three types of I'll just drop it though.

It can't be that confusing...over 100 people got it right. :lol:
Poor Steve... You'd think that after 7 years of build offs people would get the drift :wink:
tvc15 said:
Poor Steve... You'd think that after 7 years of build offs people would get the drift :wink:

Hey no a week it will all be over with....

Then someone will ask..."Hey, when's the next build off?" :lol:
Personally, I LOVE all the joking around and stuff (even if it's at my expense) it lightens things up...and when I was feeling frustrated with my limited abilities and resources the joking around kept it for OT stuff, Old Testament, somehow I missed all of that...I DO love a good Habakkuk joke. :lol:
I am proud to have been one of the biggest class clowns in BO7. I know that many times it got carried away and I really do understand that it cluttered BO7 up a bit. Our main goal was to keep the build off from getting too stuffy and too serious. This is supposed to be fun and for me personally it was a blast. I can't say that I am sorry for being a clown, but I do apologize if I made BO7 less enjoyable for anyone. That was not my intent.

Here is something to lighten the mood a bit.

This is the spoof video that yoots put together.
Rat Rod said:
Joker-n-Jack said:
I know I'm sounding whiney here...Even though I'm not trying to...but yes I read the rules...and what they say are the COMPLETED BIKE must be posted by the deadline...and that the thread should contain all three types of I'll just drop it though.

It can't be that confusing...over 100 people got it right. :lol:

Not stressing over it...I got the chance to do something really cool with a bike and see a lot of others do the same....So, these three Babylonians walk into a bar, and there sits Habakkuk...and he's like "DUDES!...You shoulda DUCKED!" get it?...LOL...Walked Into a BAR!...Like a metal bar see...and Habakkuk sees all this and...Okay...maybe the OT stuff isn't that funny.
Just did a little checkin' on the finished bikes----WOW!!!!!! Some of those bad boys started off modest and HIT HARD egad!!Im stoked to see how it breaks down in the end.

Good job all!!
As always, the build-off was fantastic. I haven't even had the time to go through all the builds, but I need to do that soon. Since I'm not working on MY bike anymore, I guess now would be a good time! :)

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