Build Off Ten - Participant Location Map

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On it! tried a bike pic but seems to be suited to a avatar sized pic only. May try again later.
;) Maybe small thumb nail of a local landmark would be cool?

Yeah… size might matter I suspect. Out of curiosity, what was the size of the image you tried?

I tried my 200x200 avatar image, the 778x500 build off ten plan image and a 3008x2000 image and all worked. I've left the largest image up for now. (EDIT: Changed back to BO10 plan image)

I've noticed a few others have added images too, as well as more detailed descriptions. Glad you all like this map idea and are using it. :)

It occurs to me that a map like this could be used to show events happening around the world. Swapmeets, shows, gatherings etc. could be added by whomever has info on an event near them. A discussion for another time maybe? :39:

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Filling in nicely. So far we have 43 of the 93 Builds on the map.

Managed to get my marker in, keyed in Lord Howe Island
but it put in Australia, can anyone fix that, maybe my
location is too small to be recognised!?

Looks to be in the right spot, but if you want it to read "Lord Howe Island", try adding it to the Address field...

Click on your marker, then click on your name. You should see the Address field below your name in a box that opens.

Here is the link to the Build Off Ten Builders map again:

If you are in the build off and would like to add your location marker, go to the map…

Then go to Additions > Add Marker - Simple

Add the details you want to put and submit.

Also, Autumnic Dog had two identical entries so I deleted one. If you accidentally add multiple markers, please let me know and I will delete the double ups.

I jumped into the map
Here is the link to the Build Off Ten Builders map again:

If you are in the build off and would like to add your location marker, go to the map…

Then go to Additions > Add Marker - Simple

Add the details you want to put and submit.

Also, Autumnic Dog had two identical entries so I deleted one. If you accidentally add multiple markers, please let me know and I will delete the double ups.

Done. I also put my build link into the description. Lets go straight to my build instead of searching my screen name. Just saying.;)

Yeah, that's a good idea. I've done that and I think a few others have too.

However, I think this has to be done when creating the marker. As the administrator, I can edit the markers, but I don't think others can. So if anyone has a marker and wants their build thread linked to, let me know and I can do it. Alternatively, create a new marker and add the link yourself, then let me know so I can delete the old marker.
