How are y'all, I'm James. Now many people have heard me talk about a bike i had build(and still building), well here is the story. About November of 2011, I was sixteen years old. In being a teenager the first thing on my mind was driving. In Alabama you have to be sixteen to drive a car and fourteen to ride a motorcycle. Well I "tried" to get my permit on time. That didn't happen so I couldn't get my driver's licence. So the only thing was left to think about was a motorcycle, the thing I didn't have. I asked my parents could I get a motorcycle, you know the outcome of that. Since I am a enspiring designer and builder, I simply said, "OK, i'll build one myself." They said I was crazy and stop dreaming, haha. I mean exactly what I say im going to do, and I went and did some research. I discovered a type of antique motorcycle called board track racers. When I looked into them and saw their construction and went to work. With only thirty dollars, a thrift store down the street, and a brazing kit, I went to war. I wanted something different, a modern board tracker. I sat down and designed the bike myself, it looked good on paper. But when I cut up the bikes and mocked the frame up, It looked terrible: