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Oct 8, 2010
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the flatlands of KS
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So, how do you plan builds?
I'm not much of a planner, I just get one or more parts together and go from there.
Sometimes it starts with a hub or a set of rims and snowballs from there.
Just curious of how other rat rodders do it. Do you plan or improvise?
Hi LowpowerD, the way you build a bike , depends on the kind of person you are. But in my case, it started with a rough idea, about the looks of the bike. Some people know exactly, how the bike 's gonna look,when it 's finished (auto-cad), I didn't.
So I started to graze for second-hand parts on E-bay. As I said earlier: the rough idea, only existed in my head. During the build, the bike 's shape became clearer and clearer and we solved most of the problems, while building. So in the end it was kind of a surprise, what the bike would look like. viewtopic.php?f=48&t=30056
So: you're not a planner, but an improvisor. And you're not the onlyone, as you can see. Good luck with your future build(s).

Greetz Wimpy. :mrgreen:
I'm with Wimpy on this. I was I could just jump in and 'go for it', but that's how I'm 'wired'. I'm a Project Manager in my 'day job', so I'm a chronic planner (that also explains all the free time I have to surf this site and others :roll: ).
My builds typically start with some sort of inspiration, more often than not a bike or an element of a bike I see here! Occasionally, it's from need, like 'Daddy, can you build me a bike too?!'
From there I do some 'Googling' and drawing to get a rough idea of where to go. Then the part search begins, I start looking for the basics first (frame, fork, wheels) but am always on the lookout for the 'extras' (these vary depending on the build). They could be the inspiration piece or a 'unique' element on the bike.
The build then progresses as either parts or $$$ permits. Do I change the design as I go? You bet. Do things work out perfectly when I try them? Usually, no. Things typically require 'tweaking'.
The key is, for me, to remember to enjoy the build, this isn't 'rocket surgery', I'm not keeping planes in the air, so relax, it will work out one way or another.

Hope this rambling helps.

Dr. T
All of my builds either start from idea in my head or something I jot down on paper. But most of all I think you need a good imagination and some inspiration. As for planning, Im no good at laying out a blue print. Its more of a trial and error kind of building for me. I rarely get things right on the first try. Check out my current build-off bike. I dont even have a drawing on this one. Its all in my noggin. viewtopic.php?f=43&t=36674
I start by looking in my shed and crossing my eyes till something looks cool. Then when I can kinda see it I start building.... :lol: Seriously though I try to take the two most un-conventional parts at my disposal and just adding parts as I go along. If it looks good it stays on, if not it gets shelved for a future build. It's all trial and error to me. But at other times I just see something about a bike and get an idea and run with it. One full suspension bike I have has such an industrial look to it that I just know it'd be an awesome armed forces style build. Then there are the ones that are inspired by something I see here :mrgreen:
My builds are based on what ever strolls it's way into my garage.
My neighbor backed his truck down my driveway and showed me what may be one of the last Murray canti frames made, got it for $15 with some wheels (3spd coaster, Wo-Ho!). Guess I've got RRBO #6 covered.
Then I like to mock up whatever I've aquired and stare at it, letting my imagination do the rest.
I usually hit it within 90% of my original vision.
When I start a build I have a picture in my head, but I cannot think of a single build that has ended looking like the picture. Usually after I have started the bike takes the lead in the build and lets me know how it wants to look. I do not argue with what the bike wants, no good will come out of it.
I'm kinda like TommyTwoTime...I see something that catches me eye and want to build off of that inspiration. It's not usually a whole bike but rather some element of someone's build that really sparks my brain cells (if you see something similar to one of your builds, consider it a high form of flattery!).
Once the inspired element has settled itself down into my brain pan, it bakes there for a while until the Muse speaks again to me as to which way the rest of the build will go. That idea can sit there for a while until I have every detail completed in my head, sometimes the idea starts to wear out its welcome and gives me headaches. :wink: Thats when I leave the idea alone for awhile and let it simmer on the back burner.
Finally the idea will be completely formed and that's when a buying frenzy takes place, much to SWMBO chagrin. Normally my build does NOT change from my plan, but only b/c I'll mull over an idea for a while before I'll physically build it. Minor changes can occur but that is relatively rare.
Right now, I'm mulling a 26" lime green BMX w/ rim brakes inspired by a forum member's 20" BMX for their child.

Love this bike scheme and it's well executed. So I'll probably do something similar...as soon as the Muse is done telling me exactly how it'll be built. 8)
I know this might sound kinda tree-hugging hippy like, but I let the bike talk to me. If possible I ride it stock (or the way I received it) then in riding I think "I wish this was lower, or that was shorter, or this was flat black with red wheels and white walls" haha Then I do it a little at a time.

Riding stock makes you appreciate the modified more.
My builds come from a collection of parts and some good dreams ( I learned from Uncle Stretch....some spicy foods help fuel them)

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