WHOOHOO! Made it into the final 20 in the Trash to Treasure Contest!

A week ago I finally ordered the spare part and guess what was waiting at home today, when I came back from our weekend on the campground?! Yes, the spare axle is here!The spare part will set me back about 50€. That's the money I spent for the complete trike...
But on the other hand it will be the original part and no fumbling...
That sounds awesome!!!! Have fun!
I'm sorry, but my immature sense of humor thinks of this when I see the word Sternfahrt
This is what you are looking for. No blind spots be pretty simple to modify to fit.Two days ago the rear lights of the Trike got an upgrade to LED:
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As with the LEDs facing out it only created one little bright spot, i decided to turn them facing inward. Like this the emitting light is much wider, even though it now has a darker spot in the middle. I'll probably order another set that's emitting light all around (and in two sizes, as I realized that the indicator lights have a different bulb length than the others), but for now these must do.
View attachment 201366
It's a boat light no blind spot. But your rear light will probably look pink LEDs they never look rightThis is what you are looking for. No blind spots be pretty simple to modify to fit.
Just saw this little video and thought of your build
Do you have a online supplier of these LEDs? With a distinct product name I might find a place to buy it on this side of the pond...It's a boat light no blind spot. But your rear light will probably look pink LEDs they never look right
Cool! Thanks for the hint! I'll try my luck. Maybe I can even find a shop selling these in my vacation as I will spend next week at the north coast of Germany...Led disc lights you maybe able to find them with the same connection you have. I just .made my own. Check an RV or boat shop anyplace that sell campers should have them I believe there 12v