Campground Buggy Trike

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No snozberries, but I got mail:

I'll be doing this paint scheme with ruby red and a brocken white:
Paintjob Variante 15.png

But there is still a lot of other stuff to do first, before this thing is ready to be painted...
Today, after buying the right hardware, I could for the first time fix the trunk to the trike.


It's not a perfect fit (yet), but it was enough for a test ride down to the local harbour to get some ice cream with the kid... 😉


And still on the campground I shot a quick ride video:

Today I tackled the fixture of the buggy trunk onto the forward extra stays.
In my stash of Ikea hardware (I never throw away Ikea leftovers!) I found these four pieces from a stool that fell apart and I purchased some longer bolts in the hardware store this morning:

Four drilled holes later (and some leftover nuts from yesterday):


Now it sits perfectly on the extra stays!:113:
Just about a day ago I found out, that the inner diameter of a standard tape roll is the perfect size for frenching my taillights! :thumbsup:

That awful sound you heard in the last post was me getting rid of some meters of cheap packaging tape...

The other lucky coincidence is that the largest diameter of my hole saw is just about the right size for the outside diameter of the tape roll, so only a little milling and sanding should be needed. :whew:
So after I got rid of the tape, I had do drill larger holes into the rear. The main problem was, that I already had drilled large holes into it and there was nothing to center my drill in.
So I first attached a strip of cardboard to the inside of the rear panel and pressed it into the curve with some scrap wood.

This allowed my to find the center of the new bigger holes an drill them halfway safe.
Next up was something to attach the lights to. For this I already had a strip of ply ready and used the strip of cardboard from before as a template to find the center for the smaller bottom holes.

Holes cut

This is how the lights mount onto that backplate:

I decided to let the tip of the lights show a bit over the top of the hole and then glued the rolls in.


Then I also glued the backing board in and applied pressure with the help of some scrap wood screwed together through the holes

Now it was time to let the glue cure and take care of other stuff....

After the glue had set, I took out my trustworthy japanese pull saw and got rid of the excess cardboard.

Still a bit rough around the edges, but some sanding with the powertool will take care of that later.

Most important: It all fits and I like the look!



Thanks again @MattiThundrrr for the hint! It's things like this that make this site and the BuildOffs great! I really like and appreciate the helpfulness amongst each other on this site!
Today I also tried to make good use of the push handle from the original buggy and the (shot) pedals that came with the frame.
First I dismantled the pedals:

Then widened the holes to fit them onto a 6mm rod:

The rod then took over the place of the original wooden handle and was mounted underneath the trunk (partially with the original hardware) as a rear rubber baby buggy bumper... :rofl:




But somehow I don't like the look. To me it feels like it kind of destroys the nice curve of the rear end with the frenched lights....
What do you think?
Today I also tried to make good use of the push handle from the original buggy and the (shot) pedals that came with the frame.
First I dismantled the pedals:
View attachment 165521
Then widened the holes to fit them onto a 6mm rod:
View attachment 165516
The rod then took over the place of the original wooden handle and was mounted underneath the trunk (partially with the original hardware) as a rear rubber baby buggy bumper... :rofl:
View attachment 165517
View attachment 165518
View attachment 165519
View attachment 165520

But somehow I don't like the look. To me it feels like it kind of destroys the nice curve of the rear end with the frenched lights....
What do you think?
I think it detracts from the elegant curve
I think it's a cool idea, but it's not as smooth and doesn't flow as well with the rest of the buggy.
I think it's a cool idea, but it's not as smooth and doesn't flow as well with the rest of the buggy.
That about sums up what I felt when I was looking at it this afternoon... KISS! Keep It Simple Stupid!
I took it off already, but somehow wanted to show it anyway...

So tomorrow I will try to work on the trunk cover. I have no idea if it's doable the way I intend to do it, so I'm looking forward to some trial and error coming up... :dance2:
I'll keep you posted! :forum: